Unveiling the Vulnerability: How Dell Users’ Data Fell into the Hands of a Hacker

Cyber Strategy Institute
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2024

Dell Hacker was able to scrape data by directly attacking their servers.

In a recent breach that shook the tech world, Dell users’ data became vulnerable, shedding light on critical gaps in security protocols and detection mechanisms. The hacker, known as Menelik, infiltrated Dell’s systems using a cunning strategy, leaving a trail of 50 million requests unchecked over nearly three weeks. Claims to have obtained 49 million Dell customer records as a result.

Dell Hacker Says his persistence went undetected

Menelik’s modus operandi was as audacious as it was effective. By setting up partner accounts within Dell’s company portal, he gained a foothold that enabled him to exploit customer service tags through brute force. With relentless persistence, he bombarded a page containing sensitive information with over 5,000 requests per minute, flying under Dell’s radar undetected.

Hacker Claims after 50M requests over 3 weeks Dell didn’t notice

The gravity of the situation is echoed in Menelik’s own words: “Believe me or not, I kept doing this for nearly 3 weeks and Dell did not notice anything. Nearly 50 Million requests were scraped…After I thought I got enough data, I sent multiple emails to Dell and notified the scrape vulnerability of there database. It took them nearly a week to patch it all up.” This statement underscores a glaring lack of robust detection and response mechanisms within Dell’s security infrastructure.

Menelik claims Dell response was sluggish

Despite Menelik’s proactive notification of the vulnerability, Dell’s response time was sluggish. It took nearly a week for the company to patch the breach, leaving a window of opportunity wide open for potential exploitation. The delayed response raises concerns about the efficacy of Dell’s incident response protocols and the urgency with which such threats are addressed.

However, Dells response was to remind folks that while they couldn’t directly comment on this investigation. They did remind us to by stating: “Let’s keep in mind, this threat actor is a criminal and we have notified law enforcement. We are not disclosing any information that could compromise the integrity of our ongoing investigation or any investigations by law enforcement,” wrote the spokesperson.

Data Breach Response: Appropriate or questionable?

Furthermore, Dell’s acknowledgment of the breach raises questions about the accuracy of data notifications sent to affected customers of Dell products. TechCrunch’s investigation revealed discrepancies, indicating that some customers may have been erroneously informed of data theft. This revelation points to deficiencies in Dell’s data verification processes and highlights the need for more rigorous validation measures.

Cyberattacks Lessons Learned

In the aftermath of this breach, there are valuable lessons to be learned for companies across industries. First and foremost, robust authentication mechanisms must be implemented to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive data. Multifactor authentication and stringent access controls can significantly reduce the risk of breaches like the one experienced by Dell.

Additionally, real-time monitoring and anomaly detection are essential components of a proactive security posture. By continuously monitoring network traffic and user behavior, organizations can swiftly identify and mitigate potential threats before they escalate into full-blown breaches.

Moreover, timely incident response is paramount in mitigating the impact of security breaches. Companies must have well-defined protocols in place to respond promptly to security incidents, minimizing the window of opportunity for threat actors.

Lastly, transparency and accountability are fundamental principles in cybersecurity. Companies must be forthcoming about security incidents, promptly notifying affected parties and collaborating with law enforcement agencies to investigate and mitigate the breach’s impact.


By learning from Dell’s shortcomings and implementing robust security measures, organizations can fortify their defenses against evolving cyber threats, safeguarding their data and preserving customer trust. As we navigate an increasingly interconnected digital landscape, proactive cybersecurity measures are not just a necessity but a prerequisite for business resilience and longevity. It is important for organizations to continuously assess and update their cybersecurity protocols to stay ahead of cyber threats. This includes implementing strong authentication methods, regularly updating software and systems, conducting security training for employees, monitoring for suspicious activity, and having a response plan in place in case of a data breach.

Additionally, organizations should consider investing in technologies such as encryption, intrusion detection systems, and security analytics tools to bolster their defenses. Collaborating with experts and conducting regular security audits can also help identify vulnerabilities and strengthen overall security posture.

By proactively addressing cybersecurity risks and prioritizing data protection, organizations can not only mitigate potential financial losses and reputational damage but also demonstrate their commitment to safeguarding customer data and maintaining trust in an increasingly digitized world.

What Happens if you have to go through an Incident Response?

Don’t let one bad decision from one employee damage your brand. Lucky for you, you have a friend. Cyber Strategy Institute, we have experts that have been there and done that. Handling an event like this can be tricky and not all the information you see online will be accurate at first reports. It's important that you have a robust plan in place that has been battle tested throughout your organization. We have 20 plus years of experience handling crisis response and incidents such as this at Cyber Strategy Institute. Learn a little more at the link below and set up a time to talk through your own concerns.

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