Unwrapping the Power of Python: A Quick Guide to Wrappers and Decorators

Extend or modify the behavior of your functions without altering source code

Wouter van Heeswijk, PhD


Photo by Olena Sergienko on Unsplash

The popularity of Python programming language can be largely explained due to its facilitation of clean, concise, and efficient code. Wrappers and decorators are among the functionalities that enhance code readability and reusability in Python. In this article we offer a concise introduction to these concepts, explaining their structure and providing examples on how they can be used to write more maintainable and modular code.

What are wrappers?

Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Wrappers in Python are functions or classes that encapsulate — or ‘wrap’, as you will — the behavior of another function. They provide a layer around the original functionality, allowing to modify or extend behavior without altering the core implementation. Typical use cases of wrappers are tasks such as logging, timing, or error handling.

Let’s consider a simple example of a wrapper function, showcasing it’s general structure. This example does not have any meaningful functionality yet, but the setup…



Wouter van Heeswijk, PhD
Writer for

Assistant professor in Financial Engineering and Operations Research. Writing about reinforcement learning, optimization problems, and data science.