Using useRef As useState Replacement — Here Is When and Why

Louis Petrik
Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2021


useState versus useRef in React.js
Source: the author

The useState hook is probably the go-to hook for anything, related to saving data in React.js. Yet, it is not always the best choice. On the other hand, is the useRef hook. Sadly, the latter one is often only associated with DOM elements. The reality is different: useState, as well as useRef, can be used very well for state-related things and even complement each other. Here is why.

The problem with useState

To make it quick: The benefit of useState is also its disadvantage. Well, at least sometimes. The cool thing about state in React is, that whenever we change it, the change is visible in the DOM. Just think about a basic counter-example, using useState, and how the number displayed changes whenever we click a button.

This is cool. But not for free.

We can see this in a small code example:

Whenever we type something into the input field, in the console the message “rerender” appears. (Let’s ignore the possible value attribute of the input for now). This is…



Louis Petrik

JavaScript & Python. Figuring out life, one idea at a time. Unlimited reads: