Using Integrative Genomic Viewer (IGV) to Inspect for Genomic Heterozygosity

Guide to using this helpful genetics tool

Julian Willett, MD, PhD


Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash

There are many valuable tools for a research scientist in genetics. One such tool is the Integrative Genomics Viewer. This program has several functions useful for someone looking at sequencing data. I will be going over a focused function for one seeking to grab select data quickly.

Homozygous or Heterozygous?

Heterozygosity has implications on physical traits and the strength of a harmful effect. Inspecting for this is fortunately relatively easy. After loading a genome file, zoom into your desired locus by entering the locus into the bar at the top of the screen:

Next, zoom out using the zoom bar at the top right (seen in the above image) to where you can see the different reads:

Non-reference SNPs are indicated by non-grey colorings, such as the blue lines and green lines. Homozygous would be characterized by having the same color at a given site, such as green for all reads on the left-most SNP. Heterozygous could be indicated by mixed colors, like one read…



Julian Willett, MD, PhD
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Loving husband. Physician scientist who enjoys spreading his knowledge and experiences with the world whether related to medicine, science, or his hobbies.