Video Game Development Process: Essential Guide.

Gautam Raturi
Published in
7 min readAug 31, 2022
Video Game Development Process

Video games are a huge industry, with over 59 billion USD in sales in 2015. The process of making a video game is much more complex than you might think, involving a number of different disciplines and cross-generational teamwork. We’ve broken down the process into its component pieces so that you can see what roles each team member plays in order to make something like Overwatch possible.

Early pre-production

Gaming: Early pre-production

The first stage of game development takes place. This is known as the pre-production phase, and it’s where all the work on a video game is done before the actual design work can begin.

#1- Art direction:

This is where the game worlds are conceived and designed. Key art is created, either by the art director or by a designer, which actually conveys much more information about the world the game will be set in than any in-game art can. Art direction can also call for designs for different virtual objects to be created, such as weapons, shields, and other gameplay elements.

#2- Gameplay design:

The designers work with the programming teams to develop a game plan for how the mechanics of a game should operate. This phase is where the capacity for making a great video game can be discovered. It requires a deep understanding of the core principles of what makes a game fun, as well as how various systems are linked together using simple rulesets. This also means that certain elements, such as games that require fast reaction times or reflexes, must be designed from the ground up so the game can become both fun and challenging.

#3- Planning:

This is where the game is broken down into its constituent parts, each of which is assigned to a team. Each team will have a manager and sub-team leaders who will oversee the implementation of that phase of development. You may also see small writing teams and art teams formed at this phase.

#4- Documents:

Both internal and external documents are created in order to lay out both how the game works and what work has been done on it so far.

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#5- Designing:

Most of the game design is done, but not all. The design document is created at this time and will serve as the touchstone for the rest of the development.

#6- Testing :

While testing can be performed at any point in development, it’s often overlooked just how much it can help guide and steer development. There are many different types of testing that occur during the production process, including user experience testing, technical performance analysis, compatibility testing, basic functionality testing and so on.

#7- Implementation:

This is where the programming and art teams start implementing the work done on the previous phases.

#8- Testing:

Once again, testing can be done a variety of times throughout development, but it’s extremely important because, without testing, it’s impossible to discover how the game actually functions and how to improve if certain aspects are not working correctly.

#9- Product release:

Once the game is completely tested and ready to be released, it’s then passed on to marketing and the publishing team so that it can be sold to the public.


Gaming: Post-production


At this stage, a game might need to go through a number of adjustments in order to cater to marketing requirements such as logos, slogans, and other promotional material. The game may also have to undergo some minor changes in order to make it more marketable as well as abide by various legal issues such as age ratings.


Once all the marketing aspects are complete, the game can be distributed across a number of such as digital download portals or physical media.


This is where gamers can get help with problems they might be having with their games, even after they’ve been released. Examples include bug-reporting and patching of broken aspects of the game as well as any other highly technical support issues that might make certain aspects of the game not work properly.

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Post maintenance:

This is when a game is retired, meaning it may no longer be sold or updated.

End of life:

Also known as “EOL,” this describes the time at which a game’s support has stopped, effectively meaning that it no longer gets any updates or enhancements as everything is already finished and already works correctly.

Future development:

This is when the next generation of video games may be made and where a game being retired means that it will not be considered for future development. However, the developers may still choose to work on it, but will do so without any official support. Some developers will support their games completely. that they’ll produce patches or other content after the game’s release or during its life cycle as necessary.

What technical procedures and programming languages are employed in the development of a game?

technical procedures and programming languages

The answer is many, but we’ll cover the most popular ones.

The first question to answer is: “What type of game do you want to make?” This largely influences what technology will be used in development.

For example, someone working on a popular console title has to make use of a different language than someone making a mobile game. There are more subtle differences as well, such as when designing for an online multiplayer environment versus a single-player narrative experience.

If you have experience developing games with only one type of technology and want to expand your horizons, it helps to learn from those who have made multiple titles in many different technologies.

A game’s coding language is chosen following the development of the game’s initial design. Various programming languages are used to create games, depending on the platform (console, computer, or mobile) and the game’s complexity. Games are developed using a variety of programming languages. Different programming languages are used to create games, depending on the platform (console, computer, or mobile).

Furthermore, not all games are created using a single programming language; instead, they may combine several.

Here is a quick summary of some of the most widely used languages in modern video game development:

#01- C++:

C++ is an object-oriented programming language. It stands out as a highly desirable language due to its speed, usability, and widespread adoption. It is frequently referred to as the gold standard in game programming, and many people consider it to be the best coding language for games, claims Game-Ace. The Bioshock series, Doom, and Assassin’s Creed are some games built using C++-based engines.

#02- Java:

Java is a general-purpose programming language that is designed to adapt to an evolving environment. Java is one of the most commonly used languages today, and it is almost universally compatible, making it incredibly versatile. Minecraft, RuneScape, and Star Wars Galaxies are examples of video games created with Java.

#03- HTML5

The newest version of HTML, or HTML5, is the underlying code that web browsers display. Due to its web-based nature and increased flexibility, HTML5 is becoming more and more popular among developers; GameDeveloper even refers to it as the “future of gaming development.” Popular HTML5 games include Bejeweled, Angry Birds, Kingdom Rush, and 3D Tetris.

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#04- JavaScript

Over 95% of websites worldwide run on JavaScript, making it one of the core technologies of web development. According to GameDevAcademy, JavaScript has grown to be the primary pillar of HTML5 game development as a result of HTML5’s adoption in the gaming industry. Browser Quest, Diablo JS, and HexGL are examples of well-known JavaScript + HTML5 games.

#05- C#:

This programming language is a popular choice for developing a wide range of applications as well as video games. In actuality, it is a key piece of code in Unity, one of the most widely used game engines today. Pokemon Go, Hearthstone, Temple Run, and Assassin’s Creed Identity is a few games developed in C#.


To summarize, you can see that the simple process of making a video game is a lot more complex than it seems at first. There are multiple teams and cross-generational components that make up the overall process of making a video game. By seeing the different processes and roles that make up the production of a With video games, you’ll be able to not only understand how games are made but also have a better understanding of how complex they really are.

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Gautam Raturi
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