WEBP, AVIF, and JPEG XL, Better Image Formats For Websites

Jason Knight
Published in
7 min readJun 30, 2021


One of the banes of the past 25 years has been browser maker’s slow adoption of support for new image formats. It basically left superior encoding methods like JPEG2000 stillborn just because of a lack of vendor support.

Seriously, if you look at JPEG2000 support:

It’s pretty much Safari and “go teach your grandma to suck eggs”. Laughably you could get it to work in IE on Windows back in the day if you installed Apple Quicktime and showed it in an OBJECT tag.

Much of this stems from how groups like the Motion Picture Encoding Group (MPEG) and Joint Photography Encoding Group (JPEG) have never really gained much trust from the open source community. The standards published by these entities may be royalty free, but they’re still considered in the minds of many (true or not) to have too much of a “proprietary” nature. The only reason the vanilla 1992 JPEG standard has such wide support, is the fact that it was the first practical true-color encoding to catch on, despite its many shortcomings. The same can be said of the ENTIRELY…



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse