Weird Syntax!

Weird Syntax!: Parametric Symbolism

Parametric Symbolism and using it as a programming technique.

Emma Boudreau
Published in
6 min readSep 28, 2022


Photo by Dan Parlante on Unsplash


Programming paradigms are an interesting rabbit hole to go down when it comes to researching your next programming language. A programming paradigm is how a high-level language has types and methods interact with one another. Probably the most well-known and popular programming paradigm that exists today is the object-oriented programming paradigm, which sees the relationship between a function and a type be that the function belongs specifically for that type. There are many different approaches to this, and none are inherently better in every circumstance than all others. That being said, the paradigm of a programming language is definitely something that one should look into when learning a new programming language. Unfortunately for that learning process however, most of today’s languages utilize multiple programming paradigms together in order to accomplish the best possible result. One of the generic programming concepts that is sometimes carried through these languages is parametric polymorphism.

Polymorphism is probably one of the most revolutionary creations that came about from the Simula/C++ side of programming that originally introduced generics. The…

