What Are the Greenest Programming Languages?

Programming languages and energy consumption

Kesk -*-


Photo by Alena Koval from Pexels

Learning a programming language and becoming an expert in that language is not easy. Although most developers know several programming languages, we only consider ourselves experts in one or two.

When deciding on a new programming language, we usually take into account things like its syntax, its learning curve, its documentation, or whether it is widely used or not.

But have we ever wondered which programming language is more sustainable and consumes less energy?

This is not a fact that we are used to considering when choosing between JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, or any other language.

However, a few years ago, some Portuguese researchers set out to investigate the energy consumption of up to 27 of today’s most popular programming languages, subsequently presenting their research at the International Conference on Software Language Engineering 2017.

These results are still valid in 2021 because they were updated this same year.

Energy Efficiency across Programming Languages

Abstract of the paper:



Kesk -*-
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