What is Google BigLake?

New Functions to empower Data Lakehouses and Data Meshes



Photo by Dylan Collette on Unsplash

Data Warehouse, Data Lake, Data Lakehouse and now BigLake. Just one more superlative that Google offers or actually a new powerful tool on the Google Platform? Let’s dive in.


With the Data Lakehouse (click here if you don’t know) approaches that better connect Data Lake (Cloud Storage) and Data Warehouse (BigQuery), enabling the creation of Data Meshes and a data-driven enterprise, there have been before, not only in the Google Cloud. Google wants to combine and integrate the services even better by using BigLake as described in the following:

Built on years of investment in BigQuery, BigLake is a storage engine that allows organizations to unify data warehouses and lakes, and enable them to perform uniform fine-grained access control, and accelerate query performance across multi-cloud storage and open formats. — Google [1]

How it Works

Step 1: In BigQuery you first create an “External data source” as seen below:

Create a External Data Source — Image by Author



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Big Data Enthusiast based in Hamburg and Kiel. Thankful if you would support my writing via: https://christianlauer90.medium.com/membership