What is the Purpose of Being a Junior Developer? — The curious Truth

🤯 Being a junior programmer is not as easy as you think it is

Jesús Lagares


Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

The other day I was thinking about being a junior developer. Without any doubt, it’s a really curious position inside a company.

If you think a little about it it’s possible that you find it even something controversial. At least, the company is investing money and time in you but you aren’t giving the same value in return.

It can cause you a bad feeling. But don’t worry, it’s normal. This is because you don’t know the real purpose of being a junior in the coding industry.

The reality of being a junior

When you’re working in a junior position you can’t bring the same value to the company as if you were a senior or an intermediate, because there are a lot of things that you don’t know.

If you already know all that you would be a senior or an intermediate, but you’re a junior. So…

You should accepting this situation if you want to avoid suffering

During this period, you can make your best effort to provide the maximum value to the company, but it will be limited by your knowledge.



Jesús Lagares
Writer for

Backend Software Engineer @ Nova | Tech Content Creator @ AlpacaTech | Writing about software development and technology 💻✨.