Which Programming Language to Learn in 2021

Alisa "Foxicorn" Nekrasova


Photo by J. Kelly Brito on Unsplash

2021 has already started, but many of us are still locked at home, having minimum contact with other human beings and maximum free time. For some people it’s a synonym of boredom, for others— an opportunity to learn something new. And as 2020 showed us the importance of the IT industry, which continues to grow more and more, learning a new programming language can be a good idea. But which one? Which programming language has the potential to boost your career, increase your salary, make your dreams come true or let you enter IT world?

JavaScript and TypeScript

JavaScript is one of the most popular scripting programming languages. It appeared as a tool to make websites dynamic, but now it’s much more than that. JavaScript is basically everywhere:

  • Browsers. It’s the most popular scripting languages for websites. We find JavaScript on almost all websites.
  • Node.js allows us to run JavaScript code as standalone program. It’s mostly used for web servers. Having a modern and effective approach to handling multiple requests, it empowers significant amount of web servers.
  • Desktop and mobile apps. Not everyone knows this, but many apps we use and love are actually written in JavaScript. One of the most exciting examples is…



Alisa "Foxicorn" Nekrasova
Writer for

Game and software developer with more than 17 years of experience. Freelancer, writer, author of the book “Swift Recipes for iOS Developers”.