Why Am I Continually Solving Problems That I Don’t Care About?

Dr Stuart Woolley
Published in
3 min readMar 31, 2022


It’s a question that’s always been there, but I’d never really thought about it until today.

Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Today, it’s time for a thought provoking bit of self-reflection, in that I’d never given too much thought to the bigger picture of the problems I solve every day. Well, most days, as I don’t solve a problem every day.

Anyway, that is until I saw one of the most remarkably honest, and at least for me, accurate, depictions of an average day working as a software engineer in (I’m guessing) one of those soul sucking tremendously ‘structured and culturally railroading’ workhouses masquerading as a ‘big tech’ company¹.

It’s absolutely true.

I’ve worked on so many problems during my ongoing tenure in the grand game of software engineering that I’ve lost count, but I can accurately remember the number of problems I’ve actually really cared about — and that number can easily fit on one hand.

Originally I thought it was because I honestly didn’t care about that many things — after all, life’s too short to worry about everything, just like it’s too short to learn all of the myriad programming languages², operating systems, and get involved with yet another NoSQL database. Spoiler: They’re all the same.



Dr Stuart Woolley

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.