Why Copying Code Is The Masterclass Of Learning How To Code

Learn how to read other people's minds, true story bro

Arnold Abraham


Learning to read and understand foreign code is a master skill. Writing own code is pure basic. This leads to my thinking about code copying and why it is totally fine if you do it right.

But first, let's see what the internet offers about the opinion of copying code if you enter "why not to copy code" into your google search bar:

  • "Copy-pasting code is generally frowned upon." — X-Team
  • "No. It's not okay. Why?"- Robin Thomas
  • "Copy-pasting Code Can Be Devastating! Some senior developers suggest not to copy code at all" — Entreprogrammer

Yadda Yadda Yadda! But I am a senior programmer, and I suggest otherwise.

Why You Should Copy Code…

Working on an entire application on your own is a rare occasion.

Learning how to read foreign code is a master skill. This is the overall action you take once you reach a certain level of expertise or work in a larger company.

No matter the case, writing your code is an essential task you have done many times before. So going onto pages like StackOverflow.com and copying code and…



Arnold Abraham
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