Why is Java the Main Language for Enterprise App Development?

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6 min readJun 5, 2023

The chosen option for enterprise development has traditionally been Java, a strong and adaptable programming language.

Thanks to its outstanding capabilities, robustness, and broad ecosystem, it is the foundation for large-scale Java software projects.

In the business globe, Java is extensively used. According to Oracle, over 90% of Fortune 500 organizations use Java for their mission-critical systems.

Explore the Java ecosystem, where Java serves as an essential tool for creating enterprise-grade applications. With a two-decade track record, witness its unmatched dependability, scalability, and seamless connectivity, empowering businesses to build robust software solutions.

What Is Java Language?

Java is a high-level, all-purpose programming language created by Sun Microsystems in the middle of the 1990s and later purchased by Oracle Corporation.

Thanks to its platform independence, Java code can operate without modification on various hardware architectures and operating systems.

Advantages of Java for Enterprise Application Development

Due to its wide range of features and capabilities, Java is a fantastic option for companies looking to develop reliable, scalable, and maintainable web applications. Java continues to be a popular option in the enterprise industry, as indicated by the advantages stated below.

#1 Flexibility & Cross-Platform Compatibility

  • Applications can run on any platform or OS that has a JVM that is compatible with it because of Java’s platform impartiality.
  • Enterprises may better operate their applications across various infrastructure environments because of this portability and cross-platform compatibility, simplifying deployment and maintenance.
  • Also, this reduces the need for platform-specific code adjustments, which helps speed up development and reduce resources.

#2 A Large Community

  • The big and vibrant Java developer community offers access to various resources, including courses, libraries, frameworks, and tools that can help programmers create efficient web enterprise Java applications.
  • Organizations may easily find competent Java developers when growing their teams or looking for outside experience due to our extensive support network.
  • Also, Java’s large user base ensures that it remains current and useful in the constantly evolving field of web development.

#3 Concurrency and Multi-Threading Support

  • Java’s multi-threading features enable developers to create high-performance enterprise applications that may assist several users and operate concurrently.
  • It is crucial in business settings where applications need to handle huge workloads while ensuring efficient resource usage.
  • Java’s concurrency support enables rapid response times and a better user experience even under heavy demand.

#4 Simple to Implement

  • Because of its versatility, Java can easily be integrated with various programming languages, databases, and third-party APIs.
  • Java is a great option for businesses that need to integrate several systems or use existing technology investments because of its versatility.
  • Java, for example, may easily interact with web services using RESTful or SOAP APIs, communicate with databases using JDBC or ORM frameworks like Hibernate, and integrate with other programming languages using tools like GraalVM.

#5 Long-term Assistance and Continuous Growth

  • The current keeper of the language, Oracle, offers ongoing support for Java releases, ensuring that businesses can rely on it for mission-critical applications.
  • Regular updates, security patches, and performance improvements are all part of this long-term maintenance, guaranteeing that enterprise applications remain effective and secure over time.
  • Also, because Java is still under development, new features and improvements are always being made, enabling developers to benefit from the most recent developments.

#6 Strong Development Tools

  • One of the most appealing features of Java is its Integrated Development Environment (IDE).
  • An extensive collection of various automation tools, debuggers, and editors comprise the Java Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Eclipse, NetBeans, and IntelliJ IDEA are today’s top three Java IDEs.
  • Regarding tools, Java provides ANT & Maven for creating Java programs, JConsole and Visual VM for monitoring Heap utilization, and Jenkins for Continuous Integration and Delivery.

#7 Rich API

  • The Application Programming Interface (API) for the Java language is extremely comprehensive and rich. Therefore, a developer can directly use various methods from the Java API in any code.
  • Methods for networking, XML parsing, handling input-output, connecting to databases, and other tasks are all included in the Java API.
  • Many open-source, comprehensive Java libraries are available for Java, including Apache Xerxes, Apache POI, Google Guava, OpenCV, Gson, Apache Commons, and others.

#8 The Presence of Libraries

  • Java supports millions of libraries that assist in various ways with problem-solving and completing important tasks.
  • The best part is that you can utilize these comprehensive Java libraries because they are frequently free, open-source, and provide business-friendly licenses.
  • Additionally, Java provides countless APIs, integrated development environments (IDEs), and frameworks for resolving most challenges regularly encountered, such as automating tedious operations and tracking consumer data.

Examples of Real-world Java in Enterprise Applications

  1. eCommerce Platforms
  • The back-end systems of significant eCommerce sites like eBay and Amazon utilize Java.

2. Financial and Banking Software

  • Many banks and financial institutions utilize Java for trading platforms and online banking systems. BNP, the bank for a changing world, and Luma, one app to dominate other financial apps, are two examples of companies that used Java to create their services. Each of these firms received help from us in achieving their goals.

3. Streaming Services

  • Companies like Netflix provide your favorite TV episodes and movies using Java. The OOP language is utilized for data analytics and content delivery. As a result of Java’s huge popularity, practically every topic has a framework or library.

Read more: How to Estimate Java Software Development Cost in 2023?

Continuous Support by Oracle

The Oracle Corporation is in charge of Java, progressing favorably under its guidance.

Oracle released Java 16 in March 2021, bringing about 17 major improvements to the platform. Because of this innovation and consistent updates, Java constantly sees new growth.

Despite the programming language’s age, it continues to evolve and pick up new ideas. The Java team consistently updates Java to incorporate new features and stay abreast of the latest technological advancements.

Due to these enhancements, Java can now compete favorably with other modern programming languages.

The Procedure for Updating to Latest Java Versions

Enterprises can have trouble updating their programs to newer versions due to the introduction of a speedier Java release cycle.

The migration process may include:

  • Updating dependencies.
  • Resolving out-of-date APIs or features.
  • Adjusting to changes in the language or JVM itself.

Businesses should emphasize staying current with Java versions and carefully plan their migration strategy to ensure a smooth conversion process, considering potential risks and effects on existing applications.

Understanding these Java web development issues enables businesses to better prepare for any issues that can come throughout their efforts.

This proactive approach will eventually contribute to the success of their web applications and guarantee that they can fully utilize Java’s capability for their business needs.

“Explore the benefits of Java for enterprise application development with A software development company — BoTree Technologies. Reach out to us today and unlock the full potential of this powerful programming language.”

Wrapping It Up

These factors are some of the most important explanations for why programmers, developers, data scientists, and major industry players use Java. Enterprises that need scalable custom enterprise solutions choose Java to create enterprise apps to fulfill operational requirements.

Enterprises may benefit from the Java programming language for various applications, including creating Android apps for mobile users. Nearly every platform and gadget is compatible with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), including Windows, Linux/Unix, other mainframe systems, and even mobile devices. For that reason, programmers choose Java to create applications.

Enterprises may benefit from Java development services using the Java programming language for various applications, including creating Android apps for mobile users. Nearly every platform and gadget is compatible with the Java Runtime Environment (JRE), including Windows, Linux/Unix, other mainframe systems, and even mobile devices. For that reason, programmers choose Java to create applications.

Looking for skilled Java developers to help with your enterprise-scale development needs? BoTree Technologies — A Enterprise software development company that has a team of experienced Java developers who can build end-to-end enterprise solutions tailored to your business requirements. Checkout our case study to get more ideas.



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