Why It’s Time For Employers To Pay For Commuting Costs

Dr Stuart Woolley
Published in
5 min readAug 4, 2021


With ‘hybrid’ working taking hold, is it time workers were compensated for mandatory unpaid overtime?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

A Time for Change

Many things have changed in the workplace over the course of the pandemic so far, but the singularly most important¹ is the snowballing uptake of remote work rather than office based work.

In the field of software engineering remote working has always been somewhat more prevalent than in other sectors due to the nature of the work involved. We software engineer types have pretty much always worked electronically, if you don’t count the era of punch cards and x-ray generating CRTs, and the technology to support this has existed for some time now.

What is unusual is that remote working had never really caught on² as a mainstream method of working. It had always been viewed with some degree of suspicion by an employer, something to be granted in exceptional circumstances to trusted employees, or most commonly something to be avoided at all costs.

That is, until it became the mandated norm.

Over the course of the last year it has been consistently demonstrated that remote work is not only possible, but can also be far more productive³ and less stressful, especially for the stereotypical introverted…



Dr Stuart Woolley

Worries about the future. Way too involved with software. Likes coffee, maths, and . Would prefer to be in academia. SpaceX, X, and Overwatch fan.