Why Java does not support multiple inheritance?

Victor Oyekanmi
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2024

Java does not support multiple inheritance directly through classes to avoid the complexity and ambiguity that can arise from it. Here’s why:

1. Diamond Problem

The diamond problem occurs when a class inherits from two classes that both inherit from a common superclass. If both parent classes have a method with the same signature, it creates ambiguity about which method the child class should inherit. This problem is referred to as the diamond problem because of the shape of the class hierarchy.

For example, consider this scenario:

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Classes “B” and “C” both inherit from class “A”, and class “D” inherits from both “B” and “C”. If A has a method “foo()” and both “B” and “C” override “foo()”, it becomes unclear which version of “foo()” “D” should inherit.

2. Simplicity and Maintainability

Java was designed with simplicity and maintainability in mind. Multiple inheritance can lead to code that is harder to understand and maintain, as it introduces complex interactions between classes. By avoiding multiple inheritance, Java simplifies the class hierarchy and reduces potential bugs.

3. Alternative: Interfaces

Instead of supporting multiple inheritance, Java allows a class to implement multiple interfaces. Interfaces can provide method signatures without implementing them, allowing classes to implement these methods in a way that suits them.

This approach avoids the diamond problem because interfaces do not have method implementations, and any ambiguity in method implementation is resolved in the class that implements the interfaces.

4. Default Methods in Interfaces

Starting with Java 8, interfaces can also contain default methods, which provide a way to offer method implementations in interfaces. However, if a class implements multiple interfaces that provide conflicting default methods, the compiler will force the class to override the conflicting method, thereby resolving any ambiguity.

Java avoids multiple inheritance to prevent the diamond problem and to keep the language simpler and more maintainable. Instead, it provides interfaces as a flexible alternative to achieve similar functionality.



Victor Oyekanmi
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Backend Developer @ TM30 | Java | Spring Boot | Microservices | FinTech | Core Banking | ISO-8583