Why Javascript is hated among programmers?

Dhaval Thakur
Published in
3 min readAug 29, 2021


Photo by cottonbro from Pexels

I love reading programming memes! Even though recently my work revolves around business and data analytics, I still love to give some time to programming and its concepts. I still remember learning HTML, Javascript, and CSS for web development. But as I joined various programming communities or programming memes pages, most of the jokes were on Java or JS! I was like.. wait … why?? SO! I did some digging and thus I am writing this story to cover the main points which might give us the answer!

Initially, back in the ’90s, JavaScript started out very bad, with a lot of bad choices and a very sloppy implementation, since it was created in a matter of weeks, with not enough time to do a thorough job of language design. Many very large decisions were made for the wrong reasons, right up to the choice of language itself (why not Python, TCL, or Scheme? Mostly due to the perceived need to strategically outmaneuver Sun’s Java), the syntax, and even the name (it had nothing really to do with Java, the name was for marketing strategy reasons).

There could be many reasons as to why people hate Javascript so much. There can be many biased opinions all around the internet. But truth be told, some people remember the unpleasant early days and resent JavaScript for winning out when so many other, perceived better languages or proposals, failed, and see…



Dhaval Thakur
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Data Enthusiast, Geek, part — time blogger. Every week 1 new Data Science/ Product Management story 🖥 I also write on Python, scripting & blockchain