Why you should learn Dart and Flutter

Davide Agostini
Published in
4 min readMar 26, 2021


Dart and Flutter introduction

In this post, I would like to give my point of view on using Flutter after a few intensive months of development of an application for the smart management of a hotel. I created from scratch a completely customized interface, I used animations, transformations, circular sliders, etc. The final result was truly amazing from the point of view of graphic quality and from the point of view of performance even on older phones.

This post will not talk about the app, but I will try to list the features of this framework and why many mobile developers have to take this into consideration.

But…what is Flutter and how does it work?

Flutter is a UI toolkit that permits with a single codebase, build native compiled applications for mobile, desktop and web. Any application that you develop in Flutter is supported in the Android and iOS platforms and Web (Desktop development is in alpha).

Flutter uses a performant rendering engine, called _Skia_ to paint the UI, this it’s important because the OEM widgets are not needed anymore and the developer can freely control every single pixel of the screen. Instead of being a wrapper on top of native UI components (like React Native and Xamarin), Flutter draws the UI from scratch.

Flutter maintain the native experience and



Davide Agostini

Mobile Software Engineer (Android/Flutter💙) who loves create interesting mobile apps with an eye to UI.