Why Your Developer Productivity Really Sucks
You’re not short on coffee, you’ve just been blinkered by a PM process jockey like a fine racehorse doing endless circuits round a track.
I often wonder what life would be life if I was working on something interesting all of the time rather than holding onto the usual day to day rollercoaster ride of creative efficiency versus social media procrastination.
I’m sure you’re all too familiar with that endless stomach churning lurching between extremes of g-force that consists of a few days of fun and engaging deep work followed by several more of unavoidable and habitual procrastination trying to avoid various mind numbing tasks that are superfluous, unnecessary, and frankly, very, very boring.
I’m sure you’re already familiar with this feeling, if you’re a progressive developer working in the Grand Game of Software Engineering, as it’s pretty much common knowledge in the Game that we tend to work in fits and starts and not on the management favoured 9–5 productivity cycle of bums of seats and eyes on screen.
Engaging work is the work where you look up from the screen and, without noticing, several hours have elapsed, and you’ve a solid block of fully understandable, beautiful, carefully crafted code sitting in front of you that compiles flawlessly — without any warnings too — and it really…