Yeah, but what is a Programming Language?

An in-depth explanation of programming language concepts

Matteo Possamai
3 min readJan 28, 2023


Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash


A programming language is a formal language that consists of a set of instructions that can be used to create a program or software.

These instructions, also known as code, can be written in various forms, such as text, symbols, or even graphical representations. The purpose of a programming language is to provide a way for humans to communicate with computers and to instruct them to perform specific tasks.


There are many different types of programming languages, each with its own unique features and capabilities. Some of the most common types of programming languages include:

  • Procedural languages: These languages are used to create procedures or routines that can be executed in a specific order. Examples of procedural languages include C, Pascal, and Fortran.
  • Object-oriented languages: These languages are used to create objects that have specific characteristics and behaviours. Examples of object-oriented languages include Java, C++, and Python.
  • Functional languages: These languages are used to create functions that take inputs and produce outputs. Examples of functional languages include Lisp, Haskell, and Scala.
  • Scripting languages: These languages are used to create scripts that automate certain tasks. Examples of scripting languages include Perl, JavaScript, and PHP.


Each programming language has its own set of rules and syntax that must be followed in order for the code to be valid.

These rules and syntax are known as the language’s grammar. A programming language’s grammar can be thought of as its vocabulary and grammar, just like a natural language.

In addition, programming languages also have specific libraries and frameworks that can be used to make development easier.

In order to write a program using a programming language, a developer must have a good understanding of the language’s grammar, libraries, and frameworks.

This understanding can be acquired through studying the language’s documentation and tutorials, as well as through practice and experimentation.

Once a developer has a good understanding of a programming language, they can use it to create a wide variety of programs and software, such as web applications, mobile apps, desktop software, and even video games.


Programming languages have evolved over the years, with new languages being developed and older languages being updated and improved.

Some languages, such as C and C++, have been around for decades and are still widely used today. Other languages, such as Python and JavaScript, have been developed more recently and have become increasingly popular.


In conclusion, a programming language is a formal language that consists of a set of instructions that can be used to create a program or software.

These instructions can be written in various forms, such as text, symbols, or even graphical representations, and are used to communicate with computers.

There are many different types of programming languages, each with its own unique features and capabilities, and it is important for a developer to have a good understanding of the language’s grammar, libraries, and frameworks in order to create a program. Programming languages have evolved over the years, with new languages being developed and older languages being updated and improved, and continue to be an important aspect of computer science and technology.



Matteo Possamai

Computer science student, technology enthusiast, interested in backend services, software development and Open Source.