Your home/company network anytime and everywhere with ZeroTier

Jörg Stephan
Published in
4 min readApr 12, 2022


Imagine you visit your local hackerspace and suddenly Andy asks you if you know ZeroTier, of course you give a vague answer, just vague enough so he opens his laptop and shows you what you mean… and then you are stunned… here is why:

ZeroTier is the implementation of a decentralised network, it is based on the Google BeyondCorp papers, which are also a great read by the way.

Simple Explained (in my own words)
ZeroTier is a piece of software which you can run on Linux, Windows, Mac, Android and even some NAS. The network id is a 64bit hash, and the unique identifier for every network you create, sharing the network ID is enough for others to join this network. As a security layer you need to authenticate devices/hosts before they are allowed to access the resources. This is pretty handy done via the web interface.
The hostnames itself are a 40bit hash as a unique identifier for each system. In the interface you can set IP addresses for these hosts.

Security wise, ZeroTier can be considered a VPN. It uses Salsa20 / LZ4 and can provide speeds up to 484 mbps (see benchmark page).

A possible security flaw can be seen in the central management of the network, which for convenience hosted by ZeroTier itself, but it being Open Source, you can also host the components yourself (without the fancy web interface)



Jörg Stephan

Cyber guy who loves Space and Ham Radio. Former administrator, CISO, NOC Leader, Cyber Security Consultant. Currently doing Customer Success.