YouTube Video Player Flutter

Flutter Junction
Published in
3 min readJun 14, 2022

In this article we are going to play YouTube video in our application. Along with it, we also pause it when the video section is not visible.

Sometimes or often we need to integrate or play videos in our mobile application. We could get many libraries or packages that provide us ability to achieve our requirement.

The final output looks as follows:

YouTube Video Player

Before diving into the coding section, first lets discuss on some topics we are going to use in our application.

Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash


Visibility Detector is a widget that wraps the widget and gets triggered when the visibility of the widgets gets changed. For more details visit this link.

Now lets dive in

Photo by Safar Safarov on Unsplash

In the pubsec.yaml file ,First lets add our dependencies for the project.

dependencies:youtube_player_flutter: ^8.1.0
visibility_detector: ^0.3.3

After adding dependencies we create the video_player.dart file inside the lib folder.

Inside which first we separate the initState videoId from the url.


And then we initialize the YoutubePlayerController.

_controller = YoutubePlayerController(initialVideoId: videoId,
flags: const YoutubePlayerFlags(
mute: false,
autoPlay: false,
disableDragSeek: false,
loop: false,
isLive: false,
forceHD: false,
enableCaption: true,

Also we need to create the listener, that is responsible for if the player is ready , widget is mounted.

void listener() {
if (_isPlayerReady && mounted && !_controller.value.isFullScreen) {setState(() {});

The videoplayer needs to get paused when we navigate to the nextpage. So we pause our controller on the page the disposed and deactivated.

void deactivate() {
// Pauses video while navigating to next page.

And when disposed too.

@overridevoid dispose() {

We then build our layout for videoplayer with VisibilityDetector. Here we pause our controller when the VideoPlayer widget is not longer visible.

key: const Key("unique key"),
onVisibilityChanged: (info) {
if (info.visibleFraction == 0) {
} else {
: _controller.pause();
child: YoutubePlayerBuilder()

Finally our video_player.dart looks as follows:

We then create homepage.dart. Here we call our YouTubeVideo widget and pass the url. Here we create the ListView so as to demonstrate the pause effect if the Videoplayer is no longer visible.


And at last our main.dart file


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