ZindaCSS: Poster Child For What I’m Always Saying…

Jason Knight
Published in
14 min readAug 14, 2023


… about how HTML/CSS frameworks are CREATED by people not qualified to write a single blasted line of HTML or CSS!

When it comes to “Framework Stupid” it’s often hard to show how the the creators of these systems didn’t know enough HTML when they first started out, because they’ve spent years sweeping their ignorance under the rug. They make just enough improvements and provide just slick enough a packaging to hide the simple fact they know NOTHING about using HTML or CSS properly… AND NEVER DID!

It is thus ZindaCSS is interesting in that it’s still very raw. It hasn’t had the time to grab the dustpan and broom and cover up the HTML/CSS illiteracy that led to its creation. Someone just asked my opinion, so here it is.

Their website is an absolute shit-show reeking of knowing nothing about the front-end.

Illegible colour contrast, pixel metric fonts, bizarre broken layout for the animated code section, broken heading orders and equally…



Jason Knight

Accessibility and Efficiency Consultant, Web Developer, Musician, and just general pain in the arse