December 2016 — April 2017

Codex Vitae Blackout (again!)

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
1 min readApr 30, 2017


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For this 5 months I deliberately choose not to write Codex Vitae.

My justification is “maximizing time for Wikikandidat project.”

Which I regret it now.

NB: to repay it, occasionally I’ll spare time to review my iPhone photo gallery, and write any interesting moment from December 2016 to April 2017, here.

Interesting Moments:

29 April 2017 — condom
It’s my birthday & my friend Zara’s wedding. Condoms as a wedding gift. It’s not only a troll. It also has context:

“avoid making baby before your business take off.”

I hope I have a friend like me. My life would be more colorful & full of surprises. I hate monotone.

I also enjoy the talks with Ardi: (1) about Scrum maturity level paper that I debunked for his thesis, (2) about ‘research on impact to civilization’ as his reason to study Islam.

Sweet birthday card from my sister Annisa.

30 April 2017—move to Jekyll
This day, for my personal website, I decide to go static (a.k.a use Github-Pages-Jekyll-combo instead of Wordpress). I wish I done it earlier.

