May 2017

Things, are Getting, Serious

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
3 min readJun 1, 2017


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Life Lessons:

  1. Honesty. When I was in a night bus to Tangerang, I had that ‘thing’ again—so this is the second time. That ‘thing’ is ‘a young lady using my shoulder as a pillow’. A young sleepy lady. What an experience—as it is before! 46.2% of my body felt electricity every time his head touching & sliding over my shoulder. The thing that I regret is “I chose not to apologized to her because being close on purpose, also raise my hand — so that her head won’t slide-over”. I wanted to help her sleep conveniently. I offered her to switch position so that she can lean to the window. She refused. We have a same drop spot, so I have much time to apologize to her if I want. Ask all of my friends, talking to stranger is my piece of small cake. But this, this is just felt too socially awkward for me. It shouldn’t be next time... a lesson learnt. :)
  2. Honesty. In the middle of this month, something big (& good) is happening to me. I didn’t expect it. All I did is just being honest all the time. I love being honest… :)
  3. Honesty. Someone need something from me at 31st of May. Not really a strict deadline he said. I had one free-day to deliver it, but I choose to finish an Agile book — at 2AM in the following day, there is a QnA webinar on with the book author. The non-strict deadline is my justification on choosing Webinar instead. But that’s not my regret. My regret is that I didn’t directly tell anything about my decision to him. It just didn’t cross my mind. Two hours before the webinar, the man I gave my promise to asking my status. Transparency is a must, especially in working place. I making a living by preaching that, yet this time I failed. Shame on me. A lesson learnt. :)

Interesting Moments:

3 May 2017
Solving problems of two Kejora startups. A short two-hours workshop.

4 May 2017
Give consultation to my friend at Demall. His company was acquired. The acquirer has a bad culture in developing software. His team is demotivated. Conclusion: agile movement in Indonesia still has a lot of homework.

6 May 2017
Wacom Comic is coming! Finally, after problems with the Go-Send courier.

7 May 2017
I started to use Pomello Pomodoro app again. And it works! I become more productive. Got 8 Pomodoro this Sunday. Creating agile coach SOP for Peentar.

10 May 2017
My first LED lamps are coming.

17 May 2017
That unexpected big thing was happening today.

21 May 2017

My new business gig.

24 May 2017

My company’s hottest asset — literally.

25 May 2017

My weapons & my — accidental — recording studio.

31 May 2017

Learn a lot from this Webinar with a book author. Inspire me a a lot.

31 May 2017
Had a meeting at GI. Introducing two of my friends to each other. The one is finding a business developer in Indonesia. After the meeting, I felt so tired — fasting, lack of sleep, the busy-ness this couple of days. That’s not it, start from out of the train, up until in front of my door, I experience a lot of delays & unfortunate experiences. Yet, I felt zero anger. Ramadan is very interesting.

