November 2016

Appendicitis — that made me start my codex vitae again

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
5 min readDec 3, 2016


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Major Events

  • 9th: Appendicitis attack. The pain level made me think of death.

Interesting Content


Second day out of hospital. Knowing I still couldn’t use my brain for work, I watched Dr. Strange instead. I love its “it’s not about you” message. I cried. Somehow, the movie gave me inspiration & drive to setup the next host of Medium. I moved all of my content from the Wordpress to I finished it at 11PM.

“You still don’t get the point.”, said The Ancient One. “What is it?”, Strange asked.
“It’s not about you”

I visited Dr Ratin for regular checkup. She changed my bandage. So, finally I can view my own scars.

Might lose a badass appendix. But I get a badass scar.

I finalized the FAQ page of Codex Vitae. Again I prove the validity of this advice: “Want to be smarter? Write”. To write means to push your head to think. I got new understandings about belief, opinion, and judgement, not because I read brilliant stuff from others, but just because I need to write them.

I need to finish Codex Vitae setup soon. I’m already able to work in front of laptop for hours. need a programmer. Unfortunately, I’m still the only contributor up until now.

Finished my Codex Vitae belief page & half of the writing guides.

I made a mistake on coordinating schedule with my soon-to-be-client. Lesson learnt. :(

I removed ‘internet’ as my life theme. Writing Codex Vitae belief page made I simulate the scenario of doing non-technology non-profit activity — until the day I die. And I’m 100% okay with that. Even though most of my projects are related to internet, the core is still my deeply love of humanity.

Writing Codex Vitae is a self-rediscovery process.

I’m getting better, my sneezing is no longer hurt my stomach scars. I need to finish setup ASAP. I’m 100% fit to code again.

I believe “human should be financially self-sufficient”. I wrote something like that on my belief page.

Writing beliefs in my Codex Vitae, makes feel angry toward my parents. Well, it’s not about their condition that pissed me off. But it’s more about their not-so-enthusiastic demeanor towards my idea on creating a new small family business.

Well, again, it’s not because they ‘reject’ my idea. It’s not about my idea. It’s about their low enthusiasms to become financially self-sufficient.

After a talk with them tonight. My bad feeling disappear. I began to realize:

  1. It’s not that they don’t want to be financially self-sufficient, they just doesn’t have any clue on how to be financially self-sufficient.
  2. They can explain why my idea is bad
  3. Not only that they don’t have any clue, they also lack of time & energy. My father is already a full-time online taxi driver, and my mom is overwhelmed my her teaching activities.
  4. My bad feeling is rooted from this belief: “my parents is still able to add another source of income & I can be the investor”. This talk makes me disbelieve that belief.

I love Codex Vitae. It rises our own internal tension (my anger). Because the tension is rising, it triggers me to mitigate it (my talk with them). And finally, the talk makes aware & kill the belief that cause my anger.

I believe: Most of humanity problems are just a communication problem. Both intra-personal & inter-personal communication.

I finally finished setup.

Again, I see a human conflict, just as a conflict of opposing belief. Writing Codex Vitae is deepening my understanding.

Funny things happen between my parents at the hospital. I couldn’t share it here though.

I told my parents about my upcoming plan — which somehow triggered by my sudden sickness. They support it.

Got only three pomodoros on — because I need to go get my kidney stone med at hospital .

My mom is sad because her habit is conflicting with her own belief. I want to help her — but my poor choice of words make her no longer want to talk this topic again with me. :(

I hope next time I could be better.

Due sneezing at a bad sleeping position, my scar began to hurts again. :(

I wake up with pain in my scar. I take Ketorolac again. It makes me dizzy and sleepy. And that’s not only blocker of my coding session.

The other one is a good discussion at Agile Indonesia Whatsapp group. It started by Risman Adnan asking question to Ivan Darmawan, “what does it take to create a great presentation slide?”. A presentation slide is just a straw man. The underlying question is, “do we only need Scrum to be succeed?”

My point is “the probability of success, is more determined by the quality of PO (the role that decide what to build), rather than whether you are using agile process or not”. Thankfully, compared to the old process of building software, agile ones is better at revealing the quality of PO.

Even though this is a procrastination for Wikikandidat, for my personal branding as a software development consultant, this is a good move. People there are wondering again “why? why? why do we think agile is good?”


Nothing interesting. Except the drama in Indonesia vs Singapore AFF Cup match. Watch it with my father and my very-over-reactive-sport-watcher sister. :D


Two things I grateful today. My sneezing is less painful. And finally I’m done with two main feature of Wikikandidat, all I need now are the email notification & profile page, then I could start to promote it to UI students..


I’m done with the email notification feature. It takes longer time than my until prediction. A lot of new stuffs I need to learn to handle emailing in pro framework like Laravel.

Today my mother found a 25 years old Polaroid photo of us.

It makes me cry.

Despite the fights that we have — due to character differences & some beliefs — I love her.

I wish her a happy life.


I get a sore throat. It — as some other domestic stuff — ruin my plan on preparing the tomorrow planning content.

29th — 30th

Due to these two days activity, I forget my daily rituals of writing codex vitae

