Rizky Syaiful’s Beliefs

Version: November 2016

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
7 min readDec 1, 2015


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I Believe…

My Life Theme

  • …is the happiness of humanity

My Happiness

  • …is measured by how grateful I thought I’d be, when I’m suddenly facing the last seconds of my life.

Life Theme

  • …is a wide range of topics I thought I’d love to explore until I die — even without any external benefit at all
  • …is being used as reference on setting my life goals
  • …is still changeable, though unlikely to change

My Life Goals

  1. …is staying alive & doing my part — like every other things in this universe does.
  2. …is producing a lot of new better humans — like every other DNA-based things in this earth does.
  3. …is re-launching AgileCampus.org as an online learning portals — so that I have a new passive money stream
  4. …is launching Wikikandidat.com — so that I can claim that as the result of my agile software development expertise, thus my sales increase
  5. …is giving a more fun career for my father
    Done. In 2016, I bought him a car, so he can be a full time Uber driver — he loves every spatial adventures
  6. …is launching a blog that serves people like JamesAltucher.com does—so that I can start build the tribe of human happiness enthusiasts
  7. …is marrying someone that share a same life themes — so that some of our basic needs are easily fulfilled & both of us become more productive
  8. …is making sure my parents, sisters, wife, children, to be a holistically healthy person — because I love them

My Healthy Body*

should be able to

  • …lift at least my weight on a bench press
  • …run at least 2,5 km in 10 minutes
  • …run at least 274 meters in 1 minutes
  • …jump at least 50 cm vertical-jump height
  • …lift at least 2 times of my weight on leg press Passed
  • …swim at least 450 meters in 12 minutes
  • …push-up at at least 40 times without a rest
  • …has at least 0.82 waist-hip ratio
  • …touch my toes — in a sit-and-reach test
  • …toss a basketball at least 3/4 of basket ball court length by kneeling

*) Credit to http://www.menshealth.com/fitness/fitness-level-tests.

My Healthy Brain


  • …be able to imagine the calculation of at least 4 digits on abacus
  • …has at least 120 IQ point** Passed — recent stat: 140
  • …be able to play music Passed — guitar, piano, violin
  • …generate at least 10 ideas on anything everyday***

**) Credit to Malcolm Gladwell on his book, Outliers.
***) Credit to http://www.jamesaltucher.com/2014/05/the-ultimate-guide-for-becoming-an-idea-machine/.

My Healthy Perspective

should be fed

  • …a TED video every week
  • …a book/online-course every month
  • …a movie every week
  • …a novel every semester
  • …friends from as many background as possible

My Healthy Social Life

should be maintained by

  • …maintaining the health of my non-social life
  • …hugging my beloved ones every time we will separates
  • …being okay to be vulnerable — people relate with failures
  • …asking for forgiveness as soon as I realize I make a mistake

My Healthy Spiritual Life

should be maintained by

  • …being insanely grateful after my daily praying
  • …sharing the credit to God, whenever I’m succeed on something
  • …waiting & seeing, whenever I’m angry or upset on something

My Healthy Financial Life

should be maintained by

  • …having no credit card — and all unproductive debt
  • …tracking my routine spending
  • …maintaining my routine spending as small and as valuable as possible
  • …maintaining my bank account to covers my six months routine spending
  • …thrive for multiple source of incomes
  • …invest my remaining wealth conservatively — only up until my routine passive income covers all of my routine spending
  • …invest the remaining wealth at risky disruptive investment
  • …maintaining the state of being able to survive even in force majeure condition — even at zombie outbreak level;

My Healthy Romantic Life

should be maintained by

  • …securing my financial life before pursuing any new opportunity
  • …creating many quality times on top of the same beliefs we share
  • …accepting the different beliefs we have — if there’s one I can’t compensate, work it out with her ASAP, if it’s unworkable, leave her ASAP
  • …caring her small emotional need and courtesy


  • The good ways to life could be easily learnt — by observing things that already exist before us and literally the basis of our existence (a.k.a nature)
  • Our nature dictate any DNA-based things to survive
  • I should avoid anything that’d kill me — or even just shorten my life
  • Our nature dictate any things to do their each part for their universe
  • I should explore and maximize my strengths so it can benefits the universe
  • Our nature dictate any DNA-based things to replicate their hopefully-better-version as many as possible
  • I should do all biological & psychological human reproduction cycle well — finding a good female, having sex, caring my pregnant female, caring my toddler, educating the child, mentoring her/him to adulthood
  • I should spread my subjectively positive beliefs to others — psychological human reproduction
  • Our nature dictate any DNA-based things not to intentionally destroy our environment — even animal kills just because they can’t make their own food like plant
  • I should minimize my plastic waste
  • I should support environmental initiatives
  • Our nature dictate any moving DNA-based things (a.k.a animal) to explore
  • I should explore

Negative Emotion

  • Whenever I feel sad or angry, there is at least a belief that cause that
  • Find it soon. Deconstruct it. Ask “why” until I reach the first principle of it


  • …is a statement that someone — at some point in their life — accept as true for whatever reason
  • Everything in our head, that we can state in the form of sentence, is just a belief
  • Even — if we dive deeper philosophically — our sensory experience is just an statement that we accept as true (belief)
  • All of reasoning is only using beliefs as their ingredient
  • A baby doesn’t have consciousness, because it doesn’t have enough beliefs yet to form their storing and reasoning capability (a.k.a consciousness)
  • There is a strong correlation among belief, language, and consciousness
  • A set of beliefs is human operation system — that no other animal have
  • What determined our happiness is our beliefs — not the condition itself
  • Someone’s set of beliefs is changing over time — wether she/he realize it or not


  • …is measured by the level of awareness and ability to manually update our own set of beliefs
  • …synonym is self-awareness
  • Self-awareness can be hone by practices such as writing diary, meditating, never stop asking why until reach the first principle, reading biography, learning others life, etc


  • …is a statement that the holder think is always true and can’t be wrong
  • …is actually just a belief that the holder accept just because the authority say it so — that’s why the holder think it can’t be wrong
  • Human has natural bias toward authority body


  • A good friend believes we can be a better person—at least in certain areas
  • A good friends are a mentor & mentee to each other


  • …are born with instinct, not belief, not even one belief
  • …(but) can be contaminated by beneficial beliefs or harmful beliefs
  • …strive for their own happiness
  • …strive for intimate connection of others human being
  • …should have a capability to fulfill their own basic needs, even though in something worst happen to them.
  • …should have multiple source of incomes
  • Most of humanity problems are just a communication problem. Both intra-personal & inter-personal communication.


  • World peace is possible
  • Peace among people, is quite similar, with peace among voices inside someone’s head

is depend on

  • …the fulfillment of basic needs of all the member
  • …the number of opposing beliefs
  • …the way to handle opposing beliefs


  • …is the peace maker among people inside the group
  • …(but) is the peace destroyer among other groups — because it has natural tendency to produce beliefs that harm the other tribe
  • Elitism used to work well to govern humanity, but not anymore — because the rise of internet as a powerful distribution channel of beliefs
  • The more diverse the friends or majority people in the planet, the more peace world would be

Formal Mandatory School

  • …is still the best tool for maintaining peace
  • …is the second best place to spend tax money — after infrastructure
  • …should teach everyone to be able to fulfill their own basic needs — even in war or monetary crisis times. (read: teach the importance of multiple income stream)


  • The more some entities fulfill each other needs, the greater the need of those entities to create a government body
  • The more distributed the self-awareness level of the entities, the greater the need of ownership distribution of the government body
  • Because we historically move toward a more literate civilization, a good government body operates like co-op: owned & managed by the members, only to handle certain aspect of member’s life
  • Direct-participatory democracy is the best mechanism to run a big co-op
  • A president is only a head executioner of directions that citizens desire
  • Municipal is the most important government body — in term of physical dimension
  • A municipal should have self-sufficient logistic source — only trades non-essential needs
  • An international government body that handle international crime (like terrorism), trading, formal mandatory education, and scientific research should be exist
  • A good co-op is 100% transparent to the owner (a.k.a their members), all of the decisions and transactions are published and easy to audit


  • Military is the only real strength
  • Military should own logistic sources that makes them self-sufficient
  • All military forces in this earth should be use for improving the survival & fighting capability of common people — due to the possible extra-terrestrial threat.

