January 2016

First month of without long-term contract

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
6 min readJan 1, 2016


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I spent most of my time this month preparing AgileCampus.org. Becoming a hermit in Bandung.

This is my first month without monthly salary. I got some full-time job/coaching offers — -used to take that in whole 2015. This 2016, I reject them all.

Yes. AgileCampus.org (agile training) is my first priority right now. I want to turn that into the level so I can scheduled a training every months.

Yes, AgileCampus.og is a part of my personal bigger goal: build my passive income (or at least almost-passive).

After I built my passive income, I’ll be more free to create anything I want. And there’s a thing I want to create this year. B-)


1st — Quality Time with Dimas, Dony, and Rudy

New Year holiday!

We planned to go to Tangkuban Perahu, but we cancelled it due to watching The Martian movie.

Later we compensated the canceling by going to PVJ. We ate at Solaria. Had some funny talks there. Then, they accompanied me to spend my 400 thousand Rupiah MAP voucher. Rudy gave me good advices: 1) better use it for a high-end brand blazer around 1 million rupiahs (MAP voucher can only be used in high-end brand anyway), 2) postpone the buying, be frugal, don’t lose any cash unless it’s mandatory.

Thanks Rudy for the advice! :) And thanks Dony and Dimas for the nice laugh and company.

2nd — Cognitive Function

I helped my friend with my knowledge on cognitive functions… Looking forward to another opportunity like this. :)

3rd — A teaching offer (again) from Faculty of Computer Science UI

My lecturer asked me to give two days training to the student. This is his 2nd year in doing guerrilla marketing of agile software development there. This year, he was finally using Scrum for the class he teach. Maybe next year, agile software development will officially integrated with the curriculum. Proud of him.

4th — (again) Programmers Inquiry

My old friends asked some programmers. I said to him, I’m no longer doing my recruiting startup. But I helped him a bit him though.

4th — His advice made my day

I read this from my inbox -> http://www.tawheedkader.com/2015/12/8-things-id-teach-my-future-children-about-their-20s/

Don’t get married before you’ve figured out who you are. Don’t get married before you’ve figured out your career. And most importantly, don’t get married to someone until that person has figured out who he or she is either.

I believe marriage is a dance between you and your partner. Each might has her/his own style. Differences are inevitable. Flaws will occur now and then. But still, both should dance a same dance.

5th — Hangout with Mufid

I was so happy. Finally have a chance to exchange idea with a beautiful mind.

However, the main idea in this video conference is to discuss about my video explanation on agile software developer : http://www.agilecampus.org/world-class-agile-dev-team

Other than having a beautiful mind, Mufid, my junior in college is a reputable tech guy. I value his input on this topic.

7th — Hugo Messer

At my teenage days, I finally accepted that I’m quite different with most people. Just having a normal life (get a job, marry, have kids, retire, etc), is really really really not my thing. I want an adventure. Like, I will die without that — -okay, that’s an exaggeration. It’s not that I don’t want to build a family. I want that. And I value that highly. But so does adventure.

And today. I red an article ( http://blog.ekipa.co/my-personal-entrepreneurial-experiences-hugo-messer/ ) from someone who also like that — -but quite older than me.

I got kids along the way and got married, but I felt like the most important thing for me to do was build and grow my company.

His name is Hugo Messer. I think both of us would become a pirate if we’re born in some centuries earlier. He might sail to Indonesia to find new spice island — -he’s a dutch BTW. I might sneak to VOC ship to find a way to have my own ship — -there might be zero entrepreneur here back then.

Pirate values the adventure more from the result. As he said in his article:

I am still keen on creating something big. But I decided not to care about the outcome. The goal is creating something valuable, something which helps other people. But whether I reach that goal or not, I don’t care anymore. I am going to enjoy the process, put all the effort I must put and then see where it leads.

Amen to that fellow pirate! Here’s the one from my website ( http://rizkysyaiful.com/ ) :

To be honest, I don’t really care if in the end I couldn’t make to his level. This ‘Elon Musk’ stuff is just an easy way to communicate my life theme. What I really do care is, to live any each day of my life, with something I have and good at.

NB: I ended up in his blog post because he contacted me on Linkedin before. As you might guess. New adventure opportunity ;)

19th — Night talk with Rudy

As usual, me and Rudy Venuekita having a long night deep conversation at BDV. The topic now is my career future.

He is really a caring person.

20th — Accidental Career Coaching from Jimmy

As a typical day at BDV, I was preparing my new content for AgileCampus.org — -this month I was no longer a startup mentor there.

And suddenly, this startup mentor and certified career coach appeared in front of me. After some small chit-chat, he gave some suggestions to my future career moves. We have a nice discussion about it.

I love when people give his time and thought for my future. Who doesn’t love being cared by someone? It made me want to give him back. Maybe someday in the future. :)

23rd & 24th — Bandung Vacation!

With Ardi, and Kharda, and Neo (Ardi’s relative) :D

We go to Braga, Tebing Keraton, and Farmhouse.

Me with Neo

30th & 31th — Fasilkom Scrum Training

My another free training to my beloved alma mater.

And oh yeah. Pepe helped my training in the second day.

We have a very nice discussion about agile, also with our two passionate juniors who attended the training (Valdi & Fatia). Glad to know them. They’ll play important roles in the future (of Indonesia or non-Indonesia), I believe.

30th — Lulu Consulting Session

Because I was in UI, I arrange a meeting with Lulu. She emailed me before to consult about something.

After my first day training, we met in my favorite soto ayam at Kober. Turned out, she want to consult about her startup initiative. Glad to meet another ambitious person… :D

As usual, I asked her my ‘legendary job-interview-question’. My favorite question for life coaching or career coaching.

