July 2015

Wrote one of my VICs, code again

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
3 min readDec 1, 2015


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On My Listing-2.0 Startup

Finish the MVP of listing and recruitment system on AgileCampus.org.

Goal :

  • Finish reading Muhammad: The Prophet of Our Time (biography). [50% Succeed]

Non-Goal Accomplishment:

  • Code Agile Campus Training Feature, User Management Feature, Simple Recruitment Feature. [100 % Succeed]

Summary :

  • I don’t find any specific theme for this month
  • But a lot of interesting things happened! As always! :D

Learning :

  • I need to improve my writing virality point
  • I need to improve my business short and direct communication style (while still maintain my story-telling super-power)
  • I need to improve my business thinking (while still maintain my wild imagination)
  • I’m soooo extrovert. But as a CEO & a revolutionary, I must be able to also work in introvert mode sometime. So, to charge my energy, make sure that anytime I can call my friends to hangout, or go to new interesting place to meet new interesting people.

Moments :

  • 1st: Someone ask me how to be a better CEO last month. I wrote the answer this day. It was an honor for me.
  • 2nd: Pitched an idea to my new friend (from Indigo Incubator 2014 batch), I saw his potential. He is a good candidate to build it. Not me (not this time at least).
  • 2nd: Started to draw the new steps on EELcommunity.com.
  • 4th-5th: Wrote the new guidance of EELcommunity.com. Finally finished it. I remove the Whatsapp group initiative since we’ve learn that it doesn’t work. So, all I need now, to really-really make EELcommunity.com my passive value-delivering asset, is just the newer version of the guide book, and my own reviews on TV series I watched. Yup. I love TV series.
  • 9th: Have a really great night and talk with Robin of AppAja & Nazmi of Pershoenalize (they’re both the incubatee of Indigo 2015). I’m always so happy to have new interesting friends. From the first hour, we’re all knew that it’d be fun and inspiring hours talk.
  • 16th: In the night of Idul Fitri, night intimate discussions about life with my two sisters. I will always remember this moments. :)
  • 19–20th: Super-duper in the flow of coding. Here’s the result
  • 20th: Covered Autumn Child by Lunasa with my sisters. A guitar-cello-violin combo! I can see the proudnes of my parents. We’re the musician!
  • 20th: Superb passionate meeting with my ex-junior and buyer of my book, Artanto ‘Pepe’ Ishaam. We talk a lot about Agile Campus. He gave so many insights I missed before.
  • 21st: Super-charged! Meetup with my beloved Junior High School OSIS friends. One of them brought her cutie baby. Wonder when would I do the same. :|
  • 22th: Wrote a blast Idul Fitri message. It’s a great annual opportunity to contact my old pals (internet just an extension of our past habit). But I have another not-dirty little secret motive: I want to test the virality of my writings. So I slipped two link to my Medium post. Turned out, my writings are quite good, but not good enough to be viral. Good. Now I know what I need to improve :)
  • 24th: Just did something historical. Next step is telling it to someone who eager to go to Bandung next month, just to share some deep thoughts with me. I hope it went well… :)
  • 27–31st: First real engagement with Indigo 2015 Incubatee. Yay! New friends! So excited… One of them is Rudy, the down-to-earth philosophical developer of venuekita.com who introduce me with Simian hand (which I have both in my left & right), Nazmi the passionate business mentor of Pershoenalize.com who have the same birth day with me (confirm all men who born at 29 April is a zuper-hardworker), Yoshi the INTJ CEO of Modegi.com who tell me that I’m so B-blood type guy. I love making new friends & have a great discussion. :D

