November 2015

Helping to launch Inovide, back to gym

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
2 min readDec 27, 2015


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On My Romantic Life

As I said on September Summary, this chapter ended this month.

Writing this month Summary made me realize, the decrease of my productivity because of it.

I want to focus myself on my securing financial life first. I finally accepted, it did distract my romantic attempts these years. Maslow’s Pyramid of Need!

On My Body Fitness

In the end of this month, I backed to gym again.

Weight: 60 kg

On My Financial Life

Agile Training Business

I give less time to my agile training side, and more into preparing the brand and the website of innovation consultant firm Indra propose: Inovide.

Yeah, we finally settled with ‘Inovide’.

On My Experiment

‘Terong’ Experiment

Some meetings.


2nd — Holacracy webinar

My first webinar.

5th — Crazy Stunt with Kun

Here is the story of Kun. I just knew him. He just recently join my ‘Terong’ experiment. Today, I knew, he is my separated twin.

I challenged him to kiss a middle-age man, who suddenly appeared front of us (we knew him personally, he is the delivery guy of our local canteen here). I expect him to decline it.

But he didn’t.

So we kissed him. On the street of Telkom office complex. And crazily laugh after we’re doing it.

Rizky & Kun both are so YOLO person. Someone who know our existence will never commit a suicide.

Oh yeah, Rahmat pose in our afternoon meeting was also epic. He is also an interesting person.

6th — A Dilemma from A Startup

Has an intimate long night discussion on my friend at my house. I was so happy that his startup move this fast.

7th — The Doctoral Oath & Hangout

Full day Bandung hangout with my cousin’s family.

They were celebrating my cousin Hippocratic oath this day.

11th — Hectic Preparation

Woke up at 2 AM and start working on the upcoming speaking slide.

Then in the morning, with the help of coffee, I finished the sketch of Terong. Gave it to Kun in the afternoon before went to Jakarta.

Went to Jakarta with Indra.

12th — Speaking Gig on Telkomsel

It went well.

Back to BDV, I accidentally found that Agung is a Radiohead fan too. A hardcore one.


17th — Lunch with Luqman Syauqi

I was at Jakarta for Global Mentoring. So, I had lunch with Luqman, my college mate, who work at Telkomsel.

I asked him about his future. He said he want the thrill of startup, but he can’t leave his job for at least 5 years later.

19th — Talk with Rudy

Rudy, He gave me a good advice for my mental breakdown: be cool.

I really glad he was there for me.

23rd — Rahmat Must Stay at Subang

His child got sick. He said he can’t contribute much at ‘Terong’ experiment.

I said I’ll be the coder then. I asked him if he’s okay for the technical adviser role for a while.

28th & 29th — Effectuation

Spend two days to write two articles for Inovide website.

