September 2015

Hold the listing 2.0 startup, Jogja

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
8 min readDec 3, 2015


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On My Listing-2.0 Startup

As you might now, I quitted my full-time job last year because my boss at that time no longer support my Listing-2.0 startup idea — -as he did before. After I quitted, I might choose to search funding for this initiative by go knocking doors of angel investors or VCs — -I know some personally.

But I chose not to. This is my slow-hire-fire-fast trait. I want my angel investors to have same core life values with me. Same as finding co-founders, employee, spouse, etc. I want to have families, and really picky about it. Most of people don’t see this trait — -maybe because of the high extroverted aura I posses.

As I putted my ass on startup incubator for couple of months, I began to see my potential angel investor. It’s my boss here in Indigo Incubator, and investor, Indra Purnama. I read his personalities for months. Three words on him: smart, funny, and ethical. Most importantly, he passed The Rizky Standard: some of our mutual friends sincerely said good things about him behind his back — -without me asking first.

You can read how his childhood shaped him at his blog here.

This month I asked for a meeting to him. I opened the meeting with a birthday congratulation. With pointing my laptop and said, “this is my birthday present for you.”

Yes, the birthday present was an offering to improve his career by my startup — -by channeling his expertise in a marketable form. I pitched him to be a Lean Startup trainer for

After this pitching, he said he also has been thinking on a education career path like this, but still with Bandung Digital Valley brand. Good!

On My Romantic Life

As the title from my Codex Vitae suggests, this month I finally accepted that I’m falling love again — -gosh, it was quite confusing and intense, as usual.

I knew the girl from couple of months earlier actually — -I’m not a love-at-the-first-sight type of guy. It ended in November 2015, so it was just only 2–3 months. I won’t spoiled any detail that leads to identification at Codex Vitae.

But the process and the evolution of my points of view are interesting. It’s quite a self-rediscovery moment. I made a piece of writing which focuses on that matter here.



My first time, went to Jogja with train. I thought I could sleep. But… a lot stuffs I need to think.

Gave small agile workshop to Indigo Incubator 2015 at JDV. Followed by 1 on 1 mentoring session. I got quite intense with one of startup.


I cried again. I need to free them soon.


Gave a short workshop on agile software development. To a company called Gamatechno.

Speaking on “agile” at Gamatechno, Jogjakarta. The CTO, mas Adit, was a very very very funny and eccentric and a lovely guy. Hahaha.

Had a nice talks with Fira & Fe. My new friends there. I gave them a puzzle: guess my ethnicity. They were quite enjoy it. After some clue, Fira finally found out.

Had an intense & intimate discussion with my ex-campus friend Asad. Now, he is a successful businessman and investor. He is, clearly my mentor in business-wise. We talked a lot about my startup.


Got to know Sony of RUN System, startup from 2014 batch. He’s a very cool person. After that, went to Tonjoo office.

We are Fe, Riz, Fi!

At night, I had crazy teenager-session photo session with Fe & Fira. Thanks God I meet this two sweet girls here — they work at the incubator, be friends for just two days! Love them! Then, I had my night train for the first time.

Pose : sexy. I thought I’m sexy when I’m serious. Turned out, it wasn’t.
We toke this picture in front of hundreds people from event. We are so childish! :D


Served someone to use talent pool. Here really need an Android developer fast.


Recovery! Too much excitement these days.


Mentoring session with one of startup, Emil from Deca-Deco. She is originally based at JDV (Jogja). But we meet at Bandung, specifically Saraga ITB. After the mentoring session I ran. This is my first run from months of hiatus. Surprisingly, I still could had 7 laps of soccer field-size track. Breaking my fast with milk after the run.


Was finishing my book revision. Wanted to pitch to mr. Indra about asking him to join, but cancelled.


Writing Codex Vitae. Finally Asyraf arrived, brought a the new RAM I ordered before.


Buying the BBQ logistic with Asyraf.

BBQ party at Ari & Eko Siji Infinity office at Cipaku. I miss mr. Eko! He’s so funny, eccentric, but humble! Just see this Instagram picture! I love him so much!

I met a new friend there. Ari’s programmer named Ahmad. He is a radiohead fan too & a guitarist. We did a couple of cover song there. Lovely! Here’s one:


Friday MG, my first pitch of to Indra. It was cutted half-way because I needed to catch my travel to Depok. Then, a very hectic day-night faced me:

  • Took my printed books from Cano.
  • Printed the MBTI strength card for seminar session tomorrow.
  • I really wanted to sleep, but hell yeah, spending 3 hours more to fix my Scrum problems set at Faculty of Law, Universitas Indonesia.
  • Walked to my sister dorm at Kutek. Have a nice sleep there.


Getting up early for today seminars. Met Aulia (the seminar’s speaker) at Dunkin Detoz. Then conducted the seminar together at Code Margonda. Seminar went well. And they said my Scrum problem set is no longer to hard again. Finally!

Me with the speaker and the participants


Back to Bandung, continued the cutted pitch to mr. Indra. He said the training and listing-2.0 is basically different business models — -even though they have a operational relation. He asked me to focus on one. I chose the training service, since it brings me money from the day one. The important thing was: he see potential in the listing model & has been thinking about starting his education career too.


Efek Rumah Kaca concert on Bandung! Actually I rarely put Efek Rumah Kaca on my playlist. The main reason I wanted to go their concert is to find my musical-mate. Playing music is my number one refreshing activity. And I was in Bandung this month — -a city with filled with indie musician just like me. I know there’re a lot of Radiohead lover out there (Efek Rumah Kaca influencer is mainly Radiohead).

People said I'm crazy. Some admire my effort. Actually I just want to get I want, I don't care what others think of me.
People said I’m crazy. Some admire my out-of-the-box efforts. Actually I just want to get I want, I don’t care what others think of me — -unless that hinder me to get what I want.
At this moment, no one had poke me
At this moment, no one had poke me
Even up until this. So, this attempt brought no result. But I'm okay. I've done my part, bye-bye regret.
Even up until this. No one. So, this attempt brought no result. But I’m okay. I’ve done my part, bye-bye regret.


Went back to Tangerang, Yudha’s (XIgent CEO) wedding. Had so much fun singing with my friends there.

Me and Asyraf just arrived. Playing mafia.
Me and Asyraf just arrived. Playing mafia.
Standing: Yudha, Nefi, Ikram’s girl, Ikram.
Kneeling: Rendy, Me, Asryaf.
The song was “Sebuah Kisah Klasik untuk Masa Depan — Sheila on 7”. I also had “Creep” & “High and Dry”.

From the beginning, Asyraf wanted to sleep at my home in Tangerang. So, as a good host, I wanted to find a hangout place for us. Quite hard, a combination of Tangerang boring-nature and the homey type of me. After some brainstorms, we chose to go to IKEA. We doubt they have motorcycle parking slot. But we went there anyway. I said we need to be looked as a rich guys so that others will okay with the alay behaviours we want to act. So much fun, I will remember it! After that crazy stunts, we have a hour talks at cafetaria. Mostly talk about the new chapter of my love story. Asyraf said both of us (me and the girl) can fill each other intellectually and emotionally. Yeah, Asyraf stayed at my home, he was quite curious with my family. Someday I will stay at his home at Bekasi. :D

"It's quite childish, just like our office culture right?"
“It’s quite childish, just like our office culture right?”, said a rich guy who hunting furnitures for his new office.
"Need, I want this for my apartment"
“Neat, I want this for my apartment”
"Book aficionado like me will love this"
“Book aficionado like me will love this”
Two cups of (free) coffee, for two brothers.


Meeting on with my childhood friend Zara at Slipi. It’s a long meeting, from noon to sunset. She’s okay to be CEO. And oh yeah, as usual, she shared her love stories, so did I — -especially the recent one. She suggest me to be her boyfriend first. She said I’m over-thinking as usual.

Going back to Tangerang, I want to ask advice from my mom. But there’s my cousin staying from Bandung. So I postponed my mother-son session until the dawn — -when only two of us woken-up. As usual, after listen to my POV she support whatever my decisions. Some of her views on my new romantic pattern are very interesting anyway.


Rudy Venuekita taught me Tai Chi for this morning. Yeah, he’s an interesting person. We used to have a deep talks.

On the noon, Jimmy — -one of Indigo Incubator mentor — -accidentally told his idea that have intersection with my candidate-listing-2.0 startup. Whoa! This was a fight or flight moment for me. And I chose to fight. I told him my startup initiative with Indra. I know he has a psychology testing business and he’s a clever businessman, so I thought It’d be nice if he might want to join our initiative. I scheduled a meeting with him and Indra.


Tai Chi session again with Rudy. It made me more focus throughout the day.

Have “pantry talk” with Agung Asmawedha. Another passionate person I found in Bandung. His talk about advice he got from his military mentor was really ringing in my heart.

“Forget others support. Just finish your product. Make sure that when the opportunity comes, you and your product are ready. Supports grow along with proofs.”


Someone complaint my behavior. I thank him a lot. Bill Gates once said, your greatest teacher is your customer complaint/criticism. People who surround you are always your customer.

