Writing Guides

Writing Codex Vitae is easy

Ricky Saif
Codex Vitae
4 min readNov 19, 2016


1. Prepare your writing space

You could write everywhere in the internet. As long as it supports text, two level heading, link, and image, you are good to go.

But. If you’d like to grow this movement, consider writing here — codexvitae.com.

Aside from movement visibility, Medium technology — that we’re using right now — is still the best choice for reading and writing experience. You can write your life moment directly on you phone. And it helps a lot because most of times you just want to write it before you forget.

The SEO is also good. When someone is googling your name, she/he can find and read your Codex Vitae. She/he will understand you more.

2. Write the index page

This is the main entrance of your Codex Vitae. It tells who you are. It also provides links to your beliefs & life moments.

Here is an example & the breakdown explanations.

  • The first part is title. You should use your full name. And “Codex Vitae: Beliefs & Life Moments Log” as subtitle. It gives the reader a proper context.
  • Then, you can describe yourself. You can use any writing style you like. As long as the goal is fulfilled: tell the reader about your main nowadays activities.
  • Then, you tell your own gameplay in maintaining your Codex Vitae. Again, it’s totally up to you — except the rule that you should do it at least daily, weekly, monthly, and annually.
You can see that I fail my habit in my early 26
  • Finally, the links to many versions of your belief page. It should have many versions. Put the most updated version on the bottom.
  • The last part, is links your life moments pages. The link to yearly/annual recap should be the head. Below that, you could add links more detailed recap inside the year. You could create any format for the non-annual recap. For me, I write down interesting daily stuff on monthly recap page. Others might love to have weekly recap page. Always do experiment. Just don’t forget to put the link on this index page.

That’s it. Simple isn’t it?

Yes yes.. I will tell you how to write belief page & life moment recap page.

But for now, please save the index page with this tag: “Codex Vitae Index Page”.

3. Write the belief page

It’s easier than the index page.

  • The title should be Your Name’s Beliefs. It’s good for SEO.
  • Put the publish date as subtitle. Once you publish, you shouldn’t edit this document. If you want to update your belief set, update in a copy page of it. A copy that’d be published as the next version.
  • Then, the navigation link. Write ‘<< back to index’. Make it a link to your index page.
  • Finally, the belief set. Start by ‘I Believe…’. Below that you, could write as many statement as you like, with whatever format you choose (here is my format). You don’t have to write the explanation on why you believe the statement.
  • Don’t forget to tag this belief page with ‘Codex Vitae Belief Page’.

4. Write the life moment page

This one is even more simpler than belief page.

The only mandatory things are:

  1. Annual page, because it’s personal. It recap our life in one age timeframe.
  2. Any page that can store your interesting daily moment. Because Codex Vitae prescribe daily ritual.
  3. And as always, a link back to index file.

Here are my examples:

A free prose
Again, free prose
List with short explanation

That’s it!

It’s a fun experience. Try once!

