Intro 101

Hello World, welcome to codeZizzle.

Gisella Kontaria
1 min readMay 7, 2020


We are a group of (graduating) high school seniors who will be sharing our programming projects through this page.

So far, our team has three main contributors: Gisella Kontaria, Bryan Alexander, and Jason Adhinarta. We’re based in Jakarta, Indonesia and will all be pursuing a degree in CS/CE this coming Fall 2020!

As coding amateurs we thought sharing our learning processes — simple projects and common mistakes — might guide those who are new to the coding world like us. Through this page we aim to breed creativity and teamwork. Hence we’re working to become a platform that acts as an open space for collaborations and constructive feedbacks. If you are interested in collaborating / sharing your coding experience in codeZizzle, feel free to reach us out in one of our social medias. Any form of ideas is appreciated!

We hope our posts will be insightful and in any way beneficial. Happy coding and nice to meet you all!



