5 Actionable Ways to Engage and Re-engage Your Customers on Mobile App

Anuradha Badone
Codiant Insights
Published in
4 min readJul 26, 2021

How A Marketing Automation Tool Can Help to Keep Your Customers Engaged

As a marketer, your company wants you to grow the ROI. Your boss wants you to acquire more leads. Your customers want you to support them more.

Did you see you are almost in a quandary? Struggling to keep head above the water.

But only UNTIL you realize retaining your current customers is now as easy as pie with marketing automation as opposed to investing your time and energy in acquiring a new lead (which costs 5X more to attract a new customer)

As the old verse goes, “Make new friends, but keep the old”. On a similar note, a long-term customer can prove to be more valuable than a new one.

Subsequently, nurturing your current customers through the entire customer lifetime value can serve you to retain your existing customer base.

But again the problem is — in this hyper-competitive era — how can we make every customer a long-haul partner?

So, here we talk about the five action-oriented ways superior marketing automation tools can help you in enhancing your customer retention and customer engagement strategy.

1. Create an enjoyable onboarding experience

Making your customers satisfied as soon as they make an onset is very important to create a long-lasting impression in their upcoming journey with your product and services.

Their onboarding journey should not start with carts and billing but making them feel prioritized, educated, and familiarized with your product should be top on your list.

Automation tool helps you to streamline this customer onboarding journey through a tight-knit suite that welcomes, educates, and make customers familiar with your products/services through a content-rich email program.

2. Inspire loyalty by keeping your customers engaged

After a successful customer onboarding, create a marketing strategy that keeps your customers engaged with your brand. This is the most crucial phase of effective customer engagement.

To keep your customers in the loop you can segment your customers based on their interest and behavior, and address their unique needs and preferences through your products that will appeal to them most.

Good automation tools can help you provide timely, relevant, and triggering messages on the brand’s offers, deals, and new product launches based on customers’ current interests and likings.

By doing this, you motivate customers to stay connected with your brand, inspire loyalty, and increase click-through rates.

3. Keep your customers informed with every product innovation and update

The customer logged in to your app. You invited with superb onboarding journey. Months went. No message to customer…In the mean course of time, you worked on product updates and innovations that no doubt solved the pulse of customer’s pain points.

BUT- you didn’t inform your customers about it or say if you did so, the messaging didn’t come out clearly.

Results? The lack of communication influenced your customers to shift to your competitors.

Landing us to a lesson to keep our customers informed and updated with every progress of your brand/company. Be it the launch of new products, updates in features, maintenance, offers, new stock, or any other info vital for your customers to know. Just get the messaging right.

4. Nurture your customers based on their current sentiments and behavior

Giving a child chocolate, a girl makeup kit, and a boy tech gadget will without any doubt make them feel cloud nine. Well, this is called ‘Personalization’.

Sending the right product to the right audience- based on their likings, preferences, and sentiments.

And how this can happen is through “Segmentation”.

Marketing and selling your products to the customers based on their sentiments will keep them happy and motivated to access and buy your services.

5. Build a referral program to make your customers your brand advocate

What, as a marketer you want is a customer that keeps coming back! Only the difference is you want good traffic of returning customers and not only one.

For meeting this goal, brand advocates work wonders. Interestingly, they are no one else- but your own happy customers intending to spread the good word about your brand.

Several marketing automation tools can help you identify such customers from your customer’s community, you can build a referral program for them, and this way you can increase your network and brand following.

Stay ahead of the curve….

Crush the Customer Experience (CX) Strategy for greater lead acquisition, customer engagement, and customer retention with Codiant- a leading Mcommerce App Development and Marketing Company. We can help you maximize customers’ lifetime value and ultimately boost sales with brand loyalty on point.

