How to Successfully Launch a Fitness App in the Market?

Chirag Mishra
Codiant Insights
Published in
6 min readJan 19, 2022

Health and Fitness have become the major concern of every individual’s life after the COVID-19 outbreak. This has generated a great opportunity for such business owners and budding entrepreneurs to attract a good number of users. To make this possible, it is necessary to build and launch a fitness app with value-selling functionalities, striking market strategies, and discount guidance offers that increases conversions.

Technology has resolved health concerns to a great extent by introducing a variety of health activities on these fitness apps. The online fitness services ranging from calorie monitoring to activity tracking to diet and nutrition apps are packaged in the app itself. But, by only developing an app that blankets conventional features will not ensure its success. To beat the competition it is crucial to launch the fitness app that integrates most pressing market demands and innovative ideas coupled with next-gen marketing strategies. Therefore, it is important to analyze and understand market requirements, user base, and current trends before launching a fitness app.

So, we are assuming you’ve already geared up with a great fitness app development idea and have a goal to attain maximum no. of downloads. Proceeding further, to meet your next goal, let’s understand how you can successfully launch a fitness app that ensure you to retain your app users for the long haul.

1. Perform a Detailed Market Research

The market size of fitness apps is expected to expand at an annual cumulative (CAGR) rate of about 21% at USD 4.4 billion during the period 2021 and 2028. This includes Android and iOS users both.

This size of market expansion depicts there already exists too many competitors and the time you are ready with your fitness app, there will be more competitors in the market. Conducting thorough market research and having a futuristic approach will be crucial to introduce differentiation in your app.

Based on your budget, you’re advised to perform primary research to understand the market and the target audience. However, before the deployment, secondary research can give you good insights to launch a fitness app in the market.

2. Time and Social Media Promotion is the Key

A lot of people make New Year resolutions to be healthy and fit, so the first quarter between January to April could be the best time to capitalize on consumer behavior.

This could be a peek time to get into the market but it would require accurate and rigorous promotion on multiple social media platforms to stand out. Along with social media promotions, the PR strategies work hand-in-hand and can increase the customer reach of your fitness app; if executed correctly.

Advertise and promote your fitness app’s unique features and value-added services that you are providing to educate people and gain cognizance about your presence. Before, you launch a fitness app; take your time and ensure to build trust among the people, which eventually results in attracting new customers and an increase in app downloads.

3. Create Attractive and Informative Content

Try to create unique and appealing content (in form of app explainer videos, infographics, interactive ads) that clearly explains how to use your fitness app and what new you are providing. Such content can be distributed through social media posts, press releases, email marketing, blog posts, and website copy.

You can pre-schedule the content for the launch day or share the post before the launch day to create the buzz. Through social media post shares you can also go with interactive posts to provide real-time updates to customer assistance, get reviews and feedback, and respond to the user recommendations. In addition to that, don’t forget to add an app download link of your fitness app on social media posts, blogs, emails, and other multiple sources.

4. Define Success for your Fitness App Launch

To successfully launch a fitness app, it is an intelligent call to define what exactly success looks like for your business. Set some measurable goals and strategies during the launch. To make it possible you can use various tools to track active install rate, number of ratings and feedbacks you received, average app rating, revenue generation, etc.

These statistics will support your fitness app business to implement and innovate your strategies as per the business performance against the competitors. With such tools, you can analyse market trends and demands to re-work over it, implement new strategies and attract new customers as well.

5. Follow a Detailed and Guided Approach for your Fitness App Development

To ensure a market-leading fitness app development it is recommended to follow a detailed and guided approach to make it possible. The whole development and deployment process is divided into different stages that are as follows;

a) Research your target users

b) Select the most suitable type of fitness app for your target users

c) Study and analyse the fitness app market

d) Choose the right platform for your fitness app

e) Study the competitors and perform a SWOT analysis

f) Select the best Fitness App Development Company

g) Build an MVP of fitness app with selected features

h) Get an estimated Cost of Fitness App Development for an advanced featured app

i) Define your budget

j) Choose the type of monetization model you like to implement in your fitness app

k) Monitor your fitness app development progress with regular communication

l) Review the app after development by different modes of testing

m) Deploy the app on the Play Store or App Store or both

n) Accept the source code of your fitness application

o) Track the app performance and define promotional strategies

p) Update your app periodically to add new features and enhance the user experience

6. Record your App Demo

To attract and educate users about your fitness app, you can create a demo video while presenting the major attraction and how easy it is to use the app. In your video, you can easily explain what your app does and how it is useful in resolving your fitness-related concerns.

As you have learned above about the existence of a huge number of competitors in the market, so differentiating yours will definitely present a clear communication with your prospect customers. A short demo could be an easy and quick presentation of the worth of your fitness app.

7. App Store Optimization (ASO)

If you want your fitness app to be recognized or get discovered in the overcrowded app market by the users within the app store, then use the App Store Optimization (ASO) feature. You can optimize your app content and its search by using relevant keywords, which makes users to find your app easily.

Apart from that, in App Store Optimization you can add specific screenshots of your app while depicting common use cases. Such screenshots also give an idea about the user interface, color combination, and other basic details to the viewer who searched for the app before downloading it.

8. Implement Paid Marketing/Advertising

Being a new business entrant you might get some organic traffic due to Google algorithms, but complementing it with some paid advertising during the launch week can comparatively boost the customer’s visiting rates.

You can also implement targeted ads on Facebook and other social media apps to drive users to your business social media pages. Where the user can learn about your business in a bit of detail and encourage them to sign up for your mobile fitness app. Apart from that, you can simply redirect the user who clicks on your advertisement to download the app.

Wrapping Up!

It can be a tedious task to develop a highly-competitive fitness app and launch it successfully. Marketing also requires a good amount of investment apart from fitness app development to ensure app success. As investing in the right marketing strategies will allow you to successfully launch the fitness app and gain the market response.

You can gain such assistance from your fitness app development company to successfully deploy and launch the app in the market. However, thorough market research will be crucial based on the demographics to attract users. So, overall it is crucial to hire the right Fitness App Development Company to gain customer attention and customer loyalty for the years to come.



Chirag Mishra
Codiant Insights

A proud technology geek. Love reading and writing about the latest advancements in the tech industry. Technology is not just a job or a hobby, it is a PASSION..