Six Ways To Increase Customer Engagement In Your Grocery Delivery App Business

Kris Cooper
Codiant Insights
Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2022
Increase Customer Engagement In Your Grocery Delivery App Business

Gone are the days when grocery business owners used to stock up the inventory and sell it to the customers by maintaining top quality standards. But now, with the greater shift in how businesses grapple with the entire purchase journey to attain the desired goals have changed and COVID-19 has braced it for many different reasons. And one of crucial reason amongst them is efficient customer engagement.

Engaged customers are good for a prospering business. They have a stronger and emotional connection with the brand. And as e-commerce landscape becomes more crowded, the Customer engagement becomes the need of the hour.

To enjoy a competitive edge in the market, it is significant to consider customers as the seeds of your business where the more you nourish them, the better results you get.

In fact, a study by Hall and Partners’ shows that up to 2/3 of a brand’s profits may rely on effective customer engagement. So, to generate higher revenue from your business, customer engagement is the basic metric to focus on.

But before you begin, consider paying attention to these Six Surefire Ways that will help you to gain instant results:

1. Take Your Customers On A Personalized Journey

People love to visit places where they can paint the wall with their favorite colors and in UX terms, it is called as personalization. So, as a business owner, you have to use the color palette according to the customer’s choice and preferences. Customers are likely to repeat their orders when they get the products and content of their choice.

As a business owner, you must rely on these 3 key factors to improvise your personalization strategy:

· Recognize the buyers i.e. try to gather every single piece of information related to the individual buying behavior.

· Understand the reason behind buyers’ actions and their buying decisions.

· Inspire them by improving your offerings and loyalty towards individual preferences.

Some of the ways you can use to offer a personalized experience to your customers are relevant ads, cross-selling and upselling, mobile push notifications, emails, etc. Or you can also track and analyze the analytics to check customer’s buying actions.

Image credits: Codiant

2. Bring Flexibility To Your Delivery

Flexibility in delivery can be compared to an empty stomach, it gets settled as soon as you put in the food to satiate starving mode. The same thing goes with customers, as early as you feed, the better engagement you get, indeed. Every individual is now looking for speedy grocery services where you provide multiple delivery options and different time slots. In short, you need to learn to be specific about what you offer because it’s no more about only the quality but people are looking for consistency, convenience, and enhanced customer experience.

Also, the popping no. of online stores has created a tough line for the retailers and now they are forced to bring down the elasticity in their logistics procedure. Some of the recent reports show that in the coming scenario, individuals will be ready to pay the extra charges to choose the preferable time slot for delivery. This is mainly because of the service class who rarely get time neither to visit the grocery store and nor they are ready to wait for the grocery delivery at home.

So, consider revolving your growth strategy around the neck of flexible delivery to expect better and proven results for the same.

3. Make Your Grocery Store Mobile-Friendly

The best way to unite two things is to develop a companionship. Mobile phones have already created a strong bond with humans but now it’s your turn. If you want individuals to become your customer then you need not put much effort now, just make online grocery stores mobile-friendly and people will easily connect with you. The reason behind this is the increasing use of mobile phones in human lives. Today, every other task is being performed with the smart phone and it is quite accessible too. So, you can easily derive that the easiest way to a human’s interest goes through their smart phone alias a smarter and user-friendly grocery delivery app.

The grocery delivery app solution not only make things easier but also provide a seamless experience to customers by making their daily shopping an enjoyable task. Also, to re-engage them or to entice new customers, you should solely focus on improving the user experience of the app.

4. Offer Multiple Payment Options

There should be multiple payment gateways to reach the final phase of shopping. It is because everyone prefer different modes of payments; right from debit/credit cards and net banking to COD and mobile wallet. But, in case, if you offer only single mode of payment then there are chances some customers might not have access to that payment mode; which increases the likelihood of cart abandonment and thus, customer attrition rate. Also, with this step of offering multiple payment mode, you can emphasize increasing customer re-engagement and increasing loyalty towards them.

Providing multiple payment options also allows customers to feel valued because they have the chance to use their preferred payment mode and carry forward the transaction reliably.

5. Keep User Updated With All The Useful Information

It is always good to make your shopper familiar with the product updates. Practice that you do not miss adding all the related details to your grocery items. Let your customers remain updated with the information like geographical areas included in the service, shipping prices & time, delivery time, delivery restrictions, product availability, offers and other new products coming up for the grocery online store.

Also, be available to resolve the instant issues that make them feel valued and help in elevating your brand identity. In order to excel in this strategy, try to show the mirror to your customers where everything reflects what they wish in their wish list.

6. Offer Seamless Order Process Management

Do you remember the last time when you gave 5 star rating to any online platform?

If yes, then what was the reason? It is because they provided you with the ultimate experience, on-time delivery, less app loading time, better interaction, etc.

In this section, the only key to win the battle of customer engagement is to offer app personalization, great customer service, timely offers/discounts along with smooth, efficient, and high-quality standards in your products and services.

Make sure that you do not stop putting effort till the buyer’s needs are fulfilled.

The trend of buying groceries online is increasing every day and app owners are putting continuous efforts to bring the best out of it. So, when you already know the ways which can turn out to be your captivating stroke then why not use them today!

Now, it is your turn to stop thinking and start working to develop customer engagement tactics in your grocery delivery app development model.



Kris Cooper
Codiant Insights

Adapting business processes, culture, and customer experiences to align with evolving business and market demands.