Codiax 2019 — A Glimpse into the Future

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4 min readNov 25, 2019

Codiax #3 has ended and we are excited to say that it was a really successful edition and the displayed information highlighted some of deep tech’s best features and connected more dots in this industry.

The second day of Codiax found us in search of coffee and knowledge and had an interesting offset with Jair Ribeiro presenting his approach on how to define a successful AI strategy for your business. Given that many companies are starting their AI adoption journey, an efficient plan must be defined in order to do this precisely, and Jair pointed out the steps that need to be taken and reminded us that we must understand all the data we have.

“AI — like any other powerful technologic tools, must be developed under a clear light of ethics and principles.”

Also on AI, Jagannadan Varadarajan, the head of Data Science at Grab, made a demonstration of how their company is significantly improving life in South-East Asia and highlighted the immense power of data and how we can use it to enrich our services.

Joanna Bryson showed another facet of technology and reminded all of us that at the end of the day only humans can be accountable and we can’t build machines in order to be accountable. According to her theories: Intelligence is a form of computation; AI extends & reuses ours; ML uploads ours.

Linked data technologies are at the core of the semantic information infrastructures and Mariana Damova from Mozajka enlightened us with more insight information on this topic. Following, a data scientist with a strong background at Philip Morris International — Maciej Marek went through the stages of starting, building and shipping data science products developed inside PMI.

Olga Afanasjeva helped us better understand the Universe through the lens of her company GoodAI, with specific examples of how they are working towards a common good with AI: We see AI as a tool to augment our own abilities.

Shifting over to robotics, we had Jade Le Maitre on stage that revealed some of the ways in which we can now improve services with the help of robotics. Her company, Hease Robotics, builds robust and autonomous mobile robots, equipped with attracting means of interacting with humans.

After a well-deserved lunch break that helped all that new information sink in, we had Alexey Borisenko from Cisco talking on how to create IoT solutions using LoRaWAN Network Server, followed by a not so techy aspect: a power outage. The good thing is Codiax has its superheroes prepared for anything, and thus Cindy Spelt delighted us with her presentation without any technological help, showcasing the facing recognition challenges and also how to overcome them.

Our agenda continued with Sean Holden that was determined to prove theorems, using machine learning, and had an interesting and quite funny approach on this and then with Jakub Bartoszek from Samsung Electronics who believes that an overly connected future is coming and we have to adjust accordingly.

Jakub Langr from the University of Oxford presented a topic he is highly acquainted with: general adversarial networks. He stated that, although generative modelling has been largely unsolved, we are moving closer to using unsupervised learning as a working paradigm.

The new kid on the blockchain - Anisha Malde made it clear why this topic should be on our radars and Szabi Szekely from NeuralCam came with a different approach on photography and referred to some methods in which we can enhance the capabilities of our mobile devices.

In charge of the last talk of Codiax 2019 was Cameron Cooke, from Airbus, who took us behind the scenes of this company and discovered how they apply AI.

Fun Facts of Codiax 2019:

  • 👉 taken from Jakub Langr
  • Honey badgers could be actually smarter than people if they had fingers (according to Olga Afanasjeva)
  • Airbus’s revenue is twice as big as Romania’s government (according to Cameron Cooke 🙀)
  • You don’t need technology in order to keep a technology conference going. (Thank you, Cindy Spelt for rocking the stage on a power cut)

We want to thank everyone who made Codiax 2019 possible — organizers, volunteers, speakers, partners, attendees. It’s contexts like these that help us lay the basis of tomorrow.

And a big thank you to all our partners:

Betfair, Medicover, Telenav, Metro Systems, Macadamian, Halcyon Mobile, Yonder, Cognizant Softvision, Accesa, 3SS, Spyhce, WolfPack Digital.



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