The First Day of Codiax 2019 — Enabling Knowledge

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3 min readNov 21, 2019

Deep Tech has a profound enabling power and today we tried to take advantage as much as we could of this. The new and world-changing technologies are Codiax’s favourite ones, so its agenda for today was built around them. From leveraging technics in machines learning to discovering all of blockchain’s capabilities or even using data at its full capacity, the day was prepared for all our deep tech aficionados to take the best out their favourite topics.

Research-driven technical challenges awaited our participants. All our mentors had prepared intense exercises to widen perspectives and understandings of their expertise. The first ones that startled the audience’s thirst for knowledge were Victor Lupaescu from Cognizant Softvision and Liviu Eșanu from Metro Systems.

Victor Lupaescu went through all stages of data, engaging his mentees in exercises finalized in concrete answers, and oftentimes different from what the participants had thought to be right. “Your viewers should take something away from the time they spend with your visualization”, was one of the facts pointed out by Victor.

Battle bots using machine learning was an intense workshop, lead by Liviu Eșanu. Determining known and unknown bots to categorizing them and then employing a wide range of detection techniques, the participants were truly engaged in their first and final battle of the day.

After a well-deserved coffee break, we returned back to fuelling our neurons, and split between the next two workshops: Leveraging Machine Learning for a personalized and safe gambling experience and The usability, security and privacy limits of blockchain technology.

Anca Lazar and Sorin Circo from Betfair Romania Development pointed out why a safe gambling experience is important and how you can use machine learning to create one. Their system is built such that it identifies behaviours and can take measures upon them.

Even if blockchain is a hot topic, it’s still hard to find analysis of the privacy and information security aspects of the technology. Joris van Rooij from Jibe Company has a strong background in this industry and provided his participants with valuable insights.

One area where deep tech is certainly making a positive difference is healthcare. There are still many processes that need to be optimized in order to have quality healthcare services, but we’re making efficient steps to this. Florin Baroga and Matei Birle from Macadamian addressed a part of these problems with a workshop focused on voice assistants in the operating room.

At the same time, our Panoramic Room was focusing on taking the first steps with Tensorflow 2.0. The attendees were delighted to learn how to build and train models using Colab, alongside a reputed expert — Christian Merkwirth.

We want to thank everyone for today and we hope the hands-on sessions met your expectations. We’ll see you all tomorrow for another deep tech round!



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