Benefits of Custom Software Development for Small Business

Codica Team
Codica Journal
Published in
5 min readMay 26, 2020

The article was originally published on Codica Blog.

Do you want to implement software for automating your daily operations? Then you should choose between a ready-made solution and a custom software platform.

In case you need a unique product, consider custom software development. It helps you save costs in the long term and takes into account the end-users’ needs.

What is Custom Software Development?

Custom software development refers to the process of designing, deploying, and maintaining software solutions. This development approach caters to a client’s business needs and requirements.

As a rule, bespoke software development is applied for particular and rather narrow industries. The approach provides sophisticated solutions for such domains as finance, healthcare, online banking, etc. It enables entrepreneurs to get a specific product for their unique company’s needs.

Below you can see major custom software development stages:

Why implement Custom Software Development for small businesses?

Custom software development is not a magic wand for any business. At the same time it still is a good solution for certain business demands and spheres. It means that you need to consider the following questions before you start investing in it:

  • Does your business comply with specific standards of your industry or government regulations?
  • Do you have security rules?
  • Do you have lots of complicated data to work with? Do you want to optimize it?

There are also some conditions when custom software development is not the best choice to build a product:

You are pressed for time

In case you need to launch the product as fast as possible, then an out-of-the-box solution will be a better solution.

You need only template functionality

If you know that off-the-shelf platforms give you all the needed functions, then ready-made solutions are a great choice.

You are limited in funds

Custom software development means building a solution from scratch. It is a rather complex and cost-consuming process. It means that you can save a lot of money if a software solution with the desired functions already exists.

To conclude, in case your aim is to create a unique solution with high-security standards and you are not limited by time, invest in progressive tailor-made solutions. Otherwise, you can take into account ready-made software to start fast. However, you should be ready for scalability and maintainability problems.

Custom software development will surely offer your company many advantages. In this article, we want to share the key grounds to choose this development approach.

1. Meet specific requirements and problems

Custom software development can meet key business needs since it is more than just a set of basic features. This approach considers all the fine points and hidden risks.

This is a solid reason for many companies to partner with custom software development agencies.

Source: RTSlabs

2. Reduce costs

Bespoke software development saves both time and money. You build the product with a certain list of required functions and do not pay extra money for unnecessary features.

Ready-made solutions often have licensing fees which can be monthly or yearly taxes. It means that while the initial costs are relatively low, the expenses will grow over time.

Given that, it is a sound idea to invest in custom software development, thus saving money in the long run. This concept allows adding new features as your business scales.

3. Add extra features per request

Ready-to-use platforms cannot always offer all the required functionality. This lack of needed functions can be an issue in the future.

Custom software development offers more options as opposed to out-of-the-box platforms. The flexibility and efficiency of this approach become more evident when it comes to long-term perspectives.

4. Automate manual operations

When your business grows, the number and complexity of operations performed increases as well. Tedious manual actions become ineffective for your company’s workflow.

That is when you start thinking about automation. It allows you to save both time and money and enhance labor efficiency in the long-term.

Custom software can both manage your key processes and enhance the connection between procurement, accounting, and finance departments.

5. Secure your data

The increasing number of cyber attacks is harmful to both small business owners and customers. They can sustain significant losses, from reputation damage to cost loss.

Statista states that the most targeted domains are manufacturing, finance, and healthcare.

When it comes to sensitive data, tailor-made solutions win the prize. They are more difficult to hack thanks to specialized security code and encryption.

6. Get technical support and improvements

Thanks to custom software development, you can always get access to a highly-skilled web agency to add the desired features. It is more reasonable to have a development team for improving your custom solution than customizing off-the-shelf products.

Custom software development companies allow you to boost the company’s performance. They also help you to make the operating process as smooth as possible.

Moreover, if you have some problems with your web solution, custom software developers will solve them efficiently in the nearest time.

Custom development vs packaged software

Let’s take a look at the comparison table which considers custom software development and out-of-the-box solutions within different criteria.


If you want to build a unique product, you should choose custom software development. It caters to your business needs and requirements. This way, you can reduce costs in the long run and be sure your product meets end-users’ demands.

Find more details on the benefits of tailor-made solutions in our blog article: Benefits of Custom Software Development for Small Business.



Codica Team
Codica Journal

Software development consultancy. We are passionate about innovations and create great online marketplaces with Ruby on Rails, React, Vue and Angular.