Codica Named Top Web Development Company in Ukraine by Clutch

Codica Team
Codica Journal
Published in
7 min readNov 6, 2019

This article was originally published on Codica Blog.

Codica is a software development company providing web development services for several years. Our company delivers high-end, advanced, and progressive web products that assist our clients in achieving their business aims.

Our team consists of skilled software engineers, knowledgeable project managers, scrupulous QA specialists, and creative and thoughtful UX/UI designers.

The core aim of Codica is to bring top-quality results to our customers taking into account their business needs and bearing the needs of end-users in mind. Specifically, we focus on creating easy-to-navigate and visually appealing UX/UI design that stands for a canonical base for custom solutions MVPs, progressive web apps (PWA), SaaS platforms, and online marketplaces.

We are proud to be listed amongst the top custom software development companies in Ukraine.

Codica got listed among top B2B companies

At Codica, we are passionate about technology and innovation.

We build visually appealing, stable, progressive, and fast-loading solutions using Ruby on Rails, Angular, React, and Vue.js as the main programming tools.

We have assisted many clients to succeed and receive the digital presence they have always dreamed of.

“Codica helped us design and create an amazing platform, which has had very great early success. Once the site went live, we tracked metrics around business success. It has proven to work well in the market.”

- Ben Alexander, Director, iExpedition.

In recognition of our efforts, we have been listed amongst the leading Kharkiv firms by Clutch. For your information, Clutch is a B2B market research agency that utilizes a unique rating technique to rate vendors across different business spheres.

We would like to thank the clients for picking our company and submitting positive feedback. In reflection of their reviews, we have been ranked an impressive five out of five-stars! Here is one of the recent reviews below, together with some encouraging words from our leadership.

Read the full review on Clutch

“We are thrilled to be recognized and appreciated by Clutch and our Customers. We look forward to building our brand further and providing even more clients with seamless solutions.”

— Dmitry Chekalin, CEO @Codica

The main services we deliver

At Codica, we provide a wide range of web development services, and have an expert specialization in the following spheres:

1. Online marketplace development

Now, the e-commerce industry is growing quickly. According to Statista research, the number of active users is expected to grow to 4,675m by 2023. The thing is that buyers want to make fewer efforts to purchase or sell a product. Plus, it becomes more affordable to buy any kind of item in a marketplace as contrasted with most of the traditional stores.

Furthermore, such marketplace giants as Amazon, eBay, Airbnb, and so on overwhelm business owners with the profit indicators. For instance, Amazon has increased its net revenue indicator by more than 33 times during its entire history.

Source: Statista

All the aforementioned factors stimulate market growth and create a demand for creating innovative e-commerce solutions.

When we build a marketplace, we always keep in mind the end-users’ needs to develop the most needed features for a specific niche. Let’s now take a look at the marketplace development process we follow at Codica:

  • Research and discovery (R&D)
  • UX/UI product design
  • MVP development
  • Optimization and QA (testing)
  • Deployment, monitoring, and support.

Except for the traditional marketplace development, we can also build complex market network websites that gain popularity.

2. SaaS development

Software-as-a-Service is a growing licensing model that allows users to utilize a web solution with any mobile device. The main requirement is to have an established Internet connection. Basically, it is a cloud solution that gives customers an opportunity to use the software without investing many funds in hardware.

The popularity of SaaS is based on the following points:

  • Fast setup and deployment
  • Scalability on demand
  • Data security.

When we provide SaaS development, our qualified developers apply their reliable technical skills and vast field expertise to give the most solid results. Further, our intelligent UI/UX designers build a modern website design for SaaS websites.

3. Progressive web apps development

PWA technology is at the peak of popularity now. It merges the features of native apps and websites to provide users with the following advantages:

  • Push notifications
  • Installing on the homescreen
  • Offline mode
  • Cross-platform nature
  • Full-screen experience
  • Rapid installation.

Except for the technical profits, it provides entrepreneurs with such business benefits as low development costs, improved user acquisition, better Google search positions, and conversion rate increase. All these advantages give PWA owners an opportunity to stand out against the market competitors.

For many years, Codica has been engaged in PWA development for our customers following the best practices of Google. We take into account the clients’ business needs and keep in mind the end-users’ demands.

Related reading:

4. Custom software development

Custom software development is a process of creating a tailored web solution including such important stages as designing, developing, deploying, and supporting. We do our best to meet the customers’ demands, take into account the current market situation, and other core factors. Being one of the top custom software development agencies, we implement the most up-to-date programming tools like frameworks and libraries to transform each application into a unique and industry-specific one solution.

Providing custom software development services, we mostly concentrate on the following solutions:

  • Online marketplaces
  • Progressive Web Apps
  • Minimum Viable Products
  • SaaS websites.

Furthermore, we implement the Agile approach that gives us an opportunity to control any market changes and make the product fit them. The development process at Codica is effectively organized and designed weekly that enhances the overall project progress administration. Thus, our skilled custom software engineers provide clients with the most suitable and relevant products keeping in mind any potential mistakes.

“Codica completes high-quality products at cost-effective prices.”

- Ronald Kok, Founder, Analist

5. Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development

Minimum Viable Product approach is a perfect technique for startups and anyone who wants to create and launch a new software product. Using this methodology, business owners have an opportunity to prove their idea and save much time and funds. Providing MVP development services, we deliver totally functional solutions that give customers the ability to engage their potential users and present their idea to sponsors.

When dealing with MVP development, we conduct deep product research, underline the key functionality it should have, and discuss them with customers. Eventually, our team recommends the most advantageous and cost-effective web product based on our extensive domain expertise and keeping in mind the customer business needs and end-users’ demands.

Let’s take a look at the key advantages we provide with MVP development services:

  • Lean startup approach
  • Faultless product launch
  • Filling the gaps in your product specifications
  • Fully transparent development and delivery process
  • A personal product manager responsible for your MVP.

Related reading:

6. UI/UX design

When beginning the product development, Codica’s highly qualified UI/UX designers show our clients the clickable wireframes and mockups to make it clear what and how the web product will look and behave.

During the UI/UX design stage, we follow several key principles that assist us in making a product user-friendly:

  • Easy navigation
  • A common style for app
  • Niche design standards
  • Graphic elements usage
  • Mobile version development.

Final words

We are very proud of being listed amongst top software development companies in Ukraine by Clutch. Moreover, being named one of the leading Kharkiv firms spurs our team to grow and deliver even greater web products to our clients.

For more details, check our recent blog article.

If you want to know more about our works and services, please take a look at our case studies or contact us.

Originally published at



Codica Team
Codica Journal

Software development consultancy. We are passionate about innovations and create great online marketplaces with Ruby on Rails, React, Vue and Angular.