What is a Minimum Lovable Product and How to Build One?

Dmitry Chekalin
Codica Journal
Published in
4 min readMar 16, 2022

The article was initially published on Codica Blog.

Customers’ demands are increasing rapidly. Now, it’s insufficient just to fix a users’ problem with your web product. It is essential to delight them with your offering instead.

With the help of MLP (minimum lovable product), you can find a way to satisfy your early customers.

In this article, we will briefly discuss the concept of MLP and discover how you can develop one.

For starters: what does MVP mean?

Defining the MVP (minimum viable product) concept will help understand what an MLP means. The MVP is a product with minimum features that assists to collect validated data about the users with the least effort.

Notably, many companies such as eBay, Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, and many others started their way into the market with the launch of a minimum viable product.

Dropbox is a bright example of a company that built a minimum viable product with fewer efforts. They created a product explainer video as their MVP to verify the idea at an early stage.

At Codica, we have vast expertise in minimum viable product development.

For example, recently we created an MVP for an activity booking marketplace. Thus, our client could test the idea with minimal costs.

What does MLP mean?

A minimum lovable product is an approach that is based on MVP ideas but seeks to win the empathy of the target audience as a priority. The MLP definition was offered by Brian Haaff in 2013.

The main difference between MVP and MLP is that the minimum lovable product has the minimum points required to like the product rather than bearing it.

MLP vs MVP vs MMP: comparison

MVPs and minimum lovable products are very similar by their nature, but they have diverse functions and are used for different business aims.

A minimum marketable product (MMP) is a version of the MVP or MLP product that you want to launch to the market.

In brief, MVP focuses on testing the idea, MMP — at selling the product, MLP — at gaining customers’ empathy.

How to create an MLP

1. Bear in mind the primary goal of your product.

It’s essential to have a clear view of your project’s functionality at the time of its development.

2. Don’t try to add all the possible features into your MLP.

You should concentrate on one or two points.

3. Add some surprising features to attract the customers.

Everyone likes receiving extra pleasant things when they don’t wait for it.

4. Add hooks.

The author of the book “Hooked” offers the following steps you can form customer habits through:

  • trigger;
  • action;
  • variable reward;
  • investments.

5. Build a tribe of passionate users around your product.

It’s challenging to create an MLP that everyone will like. So, don’t strive to attract everyone.

6. Your team should understand and share the common aim.

To get a delightful MLP, your team needs to admit the common aim. So, your strategy has to be understandable for all its members.

7. Gather feedback from the customers.

It’s essential to gather feedback about your minimum lovable product. Thus, you will receive a base to reveal what you need to modify in your solution.

8. Remember that an MLP is a great learning tool to identify what your customers really want, but not the destination.

You should remember that an MLP is an intermediate in your “MVP-MLP-MMP” route, but not the endpoint.


To successfully launch your product, you need to use the MLP approach to figure out what your customers truly need and like.

It’s also essential to focus on the business purposes of your web product and the minimal set of features, to begin with.

To learn more about MLP, take a look at our full article: Minimum Lovable Product: Definition and Key Development Steps



Dmitry Chekalin
Codica Journal

CEO @ Codica. Entrepreneurship enthusiast. I write about startups, digital products, and software development.