5 Reasons Why We Built a New Livestreaming Platform

Tim Edwards
Codices Interactive
4 min readApr 7, 2022
Moar Platform

When we set out to build Moar we realised that we had a once in a lifetime opportunity to build a livestreaming platform. Live interactive shows are a unique content challenge: you’ve got to figure out what kind of show to make, make sure your audience actually turns up, and easily keep hundreds if not hundreds of thousands of viewers engaged.

The most important part for me however was reeling back value from the years of my life spent watching Twitch, YouTube and TikTok (I have no regrets!). It’s a space a lot of our team were deeply ingrained in before starting this project and having the chance to learn from the billions of hours (and dollars) spent before us is a gift only time can give.

Rather than outline the 100s of smaller details which makes us different we thought we would share the big ones as Moar is very different to the rest!

It’s the first platform with no-code tools to create and run 1000s of formats without any extra software

Moar Show Creation & Live Control Screens

Making your own interactive shows has always been hard when it comes to mass audience participation. Try running a quiz show on any of the big platforms without using third party tools (spoiler — you can’t).

Quizzes are just the beginning. There are a load of other functions we are adding so the only limit to creating shows is your own ideas. Shows are created and added through our show creator and manager which are unique tools for creating and running your own show.

We’ve spent a lot of time on our show creator and we can’t wait to let it loose.

All Moar Shows are made up blocks and we’re going to be adding a lot of them…

Many Moar Blocks

When you create a show on Moar that show is made up of blocks and each block represents a piece of interactivity. Maybe it’s a poll, or a quiz question, or a randomiser to select someone to join in. Maybe you want everyone to play a short mini-game at the same time? That sounds like fun to us.

Over time we are going to be adding as many blocks as we possibly can and in order to make even more we are going to be opening up the creation tools to other developers so they can add their own!

The chat experience is something different

Moar’s Chat System

We love watching livestreams wherever they are but we always found it interesting how the design of chat, particularly in Western platforms, hasn’t really changed since the IRC days in the 90s. Is chat perfect or is there need for improvement?

The challenges around chat were how do we make it more readable with lots of viewers, work well on small mobile screens but also keep the chaotic fun we all enjoy. Chat on Moar is split up into horizontal lanes. The longer messages are on the top and all short messages and emojis at the bottom so you can read more and still get the fast scrolling chaos. Chat is an ongoing feature that we expect to evolve with time.

Content is organised differently

Moar Shows

All content on Moar is live so it is scheduled it for a specific time for people to watch. Shows you make are automatically put into a series. That way you can track how your shows are performing and people can get an idea of how long a show has been broadcast.

One a week? Once a day? It’s up to you however often you want to run it.

We’re making prizegiving easy — for even the smallest creators

Moar Prize-Giving Tools

Prizegiving is traditionally hassle: there is a load of hassle with getting prizes to viewers, more hassle in finding out who should receive them and yet more getting them delivered. No one wants to manually send 1,000 emails or post 1,000 stickers!

With Moar we are making it incredibly simple by building in prize distribution to our show tools so even creators with no resource can do a giveaway to 1,000 people without barely having to think about it. We’ll have a lot more details on this in the near future.

I hope this gives you an insight into the few earlier ideas of how Moar is going to work and we can’t wait to tell you more as we push towards our public Open Beta this Summer. We are all super excited to work with creators and anyone to make shows.

Do you want to join us in building Moar as a Closed Beta User? If you’re interested in joining the journey please feel free to apply to be a beta tester or join our Discord and we’ll get you in the team!



Tim Edwards
Codices Interactive

Founder of Quiz Kit & Moar, TV Junkie, Video Game Addict, Movie Nerd, Manga Toe Dipper, Part Time TikToker, Wannabe Writer, Average Creative, Happy Talker