Make Your Mac Terminal Productive and Beautiful with Zsh and Fig

Uğur Taş
Published in
7 min readMay 9, 2023


Productive terminal with zsh

Fig is sunset on 1 September 2024. Hence plugin installation with Fig will not be valid after that day. However, You can check two articles that explain the replacement of plugin management in Fig.

Are you looking to supercharge your terminal usage and make it more productive? Look no further! In this post, I’ll introduce you to Fig, an amazing application that can significantly enhance your terminal workflow. Along with Fig, we’ll also install other useful tools like iTerm2, Zsh, Oh My Zsh, Zsh Autosuggestions, Zsh Syntax Highlighting, and Powerlevel10k to make your terminal experience even better. When you carefully follow the 12 steps, you will become so proficient that you will be lightning-fast at using the terminal, even with just your fingertips!



Uğur Taş

A software developer with a high passion for learning, improving skills, and sharing knowledge. My motto is “fail million times if you take lessons every time”