An Advanced Guide to Pure CSS Images (Powering Up With Vue.js)

Michael Mangialardi
Coding Artist
Published in
20 min readFeb 16, 2017


What you’re getting into: A quite lengthy guide into doing more exciting stuff with pure CSS images, specifically, utilizing Vue.js

If you like this: I have a video course called Power Up With Pure CSS Images & Vue.js to Make Fun Apps. It is similar to this tutorial except it’s in video format, it breaks down the basics of Vue.js piece by piece, it includes assignment and projects, and it also includes access to an exclusive Facebook group and email challenge.

Final Pen/Demo:


In the beginner’s guide, we discussed how to create a basic pure CSS image, in our case, a cute koala.

In the intermediate guide, we discussed how to create a pure CSS image that was comprised of several stand-alone pure CSS images that can come together to form a final pure CSS image.

