Week 21/5/18 to 25/5/18:

Jake Metz
Coding Bootcamp Diary
2 min readMay 26, 2018

We are getting back in the groove with this blogging thing. Hopefully it all results in me becoming a better writer among other things.


We are moving further into JavaScript as we continue through ‘vanilla JS’ or core JS syntax which will serve to set us up prior to the upcoming break and next term where will dive deeper into JavaScript.

  • Review of callbacks and introduction to callback hell as well as promises.
  • Cookies and potential use cases for using cookies (i.e. control state of a form)
  • XMLHttp, jQuery & Ajax, and the fetch API (‘GET’ and ‘POST’) requests.
  • Web Storage API


  • team forming night for Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) @ SiteMinder

I’m pleased to say that I will be participating in my first hack the weekend of June 2nd-June 3rd. Random Hacks of Kindness (RHoK) is a made up of a community of technologists who volunteer their time to solve problems for purpose driven organizations. More to come on my experience but thus far it’s nerve racking even going to the team forming event. Enter thought ‘one only grows when the burn is felt’ into my head for confidence.


CHALLENGE: Having the patience and discipline to stick with my learning strategy. I’m currently in the ‘expose’ phase of JavaScript and trying to soak in as much learning as I can about the core syntax. However, it is hard to not skip ahead and get straight into building. My plan is to be through ‘tutorial purgatory’ and ‘You don’t know JS & Eloquent JavaScript’ before I begin a project.

HIGHLIGHT: Challenging myself to participate in my first hackathon.


PYTHON TUTOR (TOOL): A code visualization tool

A very handy code visualization tool that allows you to input code (JavaScript, Python, Ruby, C, C++, and Java) and then be stepped through the code in a visual format.

Sometimes, I just need to follow the rabbit to understand the code and this is a quick starting point if I don’t fully understand the code I’m looking at.

