How To Learn Data Structures And Algorithms (An Ultimate Guide For Beginners)

Coder's Cat
Coding Clever
Published in
7 min readJan 20, 2020


Data structures and algorithms are essential for any programmer.

I strongly believe that a thorough knowledge and skill of these two topics are the key to becoming a better programmer.

An engineer with a deep understanding of algorithms and data structures will be able to make informed design choices and write programs that are more performant and easier to change.

I came, I saw, I conquered

As a beginner, you may feel discouraged and frustrated by these concepts. The terms data structures and algorithms both sound abstract and obscure.

Don’t worry, though. That’s a normal reaction for a beginner.

I had the same reaction when I started learning about the subject. The reason you feel that way is that you haven’t found the right method to let you study the subject deliberately.

I’m going to tell you about my roadmap and tips. Be patient, and always keep moving forward.

Don’t be intimidated by mathematics



Coder's Cat
Coding Clever Write stuff about programming languages, algorithms, and architecture.