Adding Environment Secrets using CI/CD Pipelines

Abhishek Chaudhary
Coding Club IIT Jammu
2 min readJun 14, 2021
Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

It’s a good practice to remove API keys, secrets before making your repository public. But how to push your keys to a web server without exposing it publicly?

There are various ways to do it (mentioning some I’ve used)

  • Adding each config key-value pairs directly to the web server environment using the Instance Configuration method provided by Cloud Operators.
  • Using FTP to upload the config file manually.
  • Using CI/CD pipelines to add config files before deploying.

I will be explaining 3rd way(mine favorite)

Let’s say we use a .env file that contains all our secret configs. Firstly we will add .env file contents in the GitHub Repository Secrets. You can find more about git-hub secrets here. To create Secrets in a repository -

  1. Go to your repository.
  2. SettingsSecrets.
  3. Click on New Repository secret.
  4. Enter the secret name you want to give and copy-paste the .env file contents.
  5. Click on Add secret.

We will create a CI/CD pipeline for GitHub Action to substitute the configurations by creating a new .env file just before deployment. Here is the sample YML file.

You can further add steps to deploy to your preferred cloud. If using Azure App Service, check this out and customize as per your need.

You should checkout:



Abhishek Chaudhary
Coding Club IIT Jammu

Student, Cloud technology enthusiast working on random things.