Java Concurrency Notes

Sourin Sutradhar
Programming Notes
Published in
23 min readNov 2, 2016

In this article, I intent to visit some of the basic concepts behind Java concurrency model and understand their proper usage. For this, it is important to understand the terminologies. Hence, I will start-off by breaking down the difference and explaining the underlying concept behind some common related terminologies.

Concurrency Vs Parallelism

The terms concurrency and parallelism are often used in relation to multithreaded programs. But what exactly does concurrency and parallelism mean, and are they the same terms or what?

Concurrency means that an application is making progress on more than one task at the same time (concurrently). Well, if the computer only has one CPU the application may not make progress on more than one task at exactly the same time, but more than one task is being processed at a time inside the application. It does not completely finish one task before it begins the next.

Parallelism means that an application splits its tasks up into smaller subtasks which can be processed in parallel, for instance on multiple CPUs at the exact same time.

As you can see, an application can be concurrent, but not parallel. This means that it processes more than one task at the same time, but the tasks are not broken down into subtasks.

An application can also be parallel but not concurrent. This means that the application only works on one task at a time, and this task is broken down into subtasks which can be processed in parallel.

Additionally, an application can be neither concurrent nor parallel. This means that it works on only one task at a time, and the task is never broken down into subtasks for parallel execution.

Finally, an application can also be both concurrent and parallel, in that it both works on multiple tasks at the same time, and also breaks each task down into subtasks for parallel execution. However, some of the benefits of concurrency and parallelism may be lost in this scenario, as the CPUs in the computer are already kept reasonably busy with either concurrency or parallelism alone. Combining it may lead to only a small performance gain or even performance loss.

Thread Safety

An object’s state is its data, stored in state variables such as instance or static fields. An object’s state may include fields from other, dependent objects; a HashMap’s state is partially stored in the HashMap object itself, but also in many Map.Entry objects. An object’s state encompasses any data that can affect its externally visible behavior.

If multiple threads access the same mutable state variable without appropriate synchronization, your program is broken. There are three ways to fix it:
a) Don’t share the state variable across threads

b) Make the state variable immutable

c) Use synchronization whenever accessing the state variable.

When designing thread safe classes, good object oriented techniques encapsulation, immutability, and clear specification of invariants are your best friends. However, although not many developers believe, but it is always a good practice first to make your code right, and then make it fast.

A class is thread safe if it behaves correctly when accessed from multiple threads, regardless of the scheduling or interleaving of the execution of those threads by the runtime environment, and with no additional synchronization or other coordination on the part of the calling code. No set of operations performed sequentially or concurrently on instances of a thread safe class can cause an instance to be in an invalid state.

Stateless objects are always thread safe.

A race condition occurs when the correctness of a computation depends on the relative timing or interleaving of multiple threads by the runtime; in other words, when getting the right answer relies on lucky timing.

To avoid race conditions, there must be a way to prevent other threads from using a variable while we’re in the middle of modifying it, so we can ensure that other threads can observe or modify the state only before we start or after we finish, but not in the middle.

Operations A and B are atomic with respect to each other if, from the perspective of a thread executing A, when another thread executes B, either all of B has executed or none of it has. An atomic operation is one that is atomic with respect to all operations, including itself, that operate on the same state. The java.util.concurrent.atomic package contains atomic variable classes for effecting atomic state transitions on numbers and object references.

Example :

public class RequestProcessor {    private final AtomicLong count = new AtomicLong(0);    public long getCount() { return count.get(); }    public void service(ServletRequest req) {
// Do something with the request

If in the above example, we replace AtomicLong to any other type, say Integer, the above code won’t be thread safe anymore. In practical, use existing thread safe objects, like AtomicLong, to manage your class's state. It is simpler to reason about the possible states and state transitions for existing thread safe objects than it is for arbitrary state variables, and this makes it easier to maintain and verify thread safety.

To preserve state consistency, update related state variables in a single atomic operation.

Java provides a built in locking mechanism for enforcing atomicity: the synchronized block. (There is also another critical aspect to locking and other synchronization mechanisms visibility). A synchronized block has two parts: a reference to an object that will serve as the lock, and a block of code to be guarded by that lock. A synchronized method is shorthand for a synchronized block that spans an entire method body, and whose lock is the object on which the method is being invoked (Static synchronized methods use the Class object for the lock).


synchronized (lock) {
// Access or modify shared state guarded by lock

Every Java object can implicitly act as a lock for purposes of synchronization; these built in locks are called intrinsic locks or monitor locks. The lock is automatically acquired by the executing thread before entering a synchronized block and automatically released when control exits the synchronized block, whether by the normal control path or by throwing an exception out of the block. The only way to acquire an intrinsic lock is to enter a synchronized block or method guarded by that lock.

Intrinsic locks in Java act as mutexes (or mutual exclusion locks), which means that at most one thread may own the lock. When thread A attempts to acquire a lock held by thread B, A must wait, or block, until B releases it. If B never releases the lock, A waits forever.

Since only one thread at a time can execute a block of code guarded by a given lock, the synchronized blocks guarded by the same lock execute atomically with respect to one another. In the context of concurrency, atomicity means the same thing as it does in transactional applications that a group of statements appear to execute as a single, indivisible unit. No thread executing a synchronized block can observe another thread to be in the middle of a synchronized block guarded by the same lock.

For each mutable state variable that may be accessed by more than one thread, all accesses to that variable must be performed with the same lock held. In this case, we say that the variable is guarded by that lock. A common locking convention is to encapsulate all mutable state within an object and to protect it from concurrent access by synchronizing any code path that accesses mutable state using the object's intrinsic lock. This pattern is used by many thread safe classes, such as Vector and other synchronized collection classes.


When a thread requests a lock that is already held by another thread, the requesting thread blocks. But because intrinsic locks are reentrant, if a thread tries to acquire a lock that it already holds, the request succeeds. Reentrancy means that locks are acquired on a per thread rather than per invocation basis. Reentrancy is implemented by associating with each lock an acquisition count and an owning thread. When the count is zero, the lock is considered unheld. When a thread acquires a previously unheld lock, the JVM records the owner and sets the acquisition count to one. If that same thread acquires the lock again, the count is incremented, and when the owning thread exits the synchronized block, the count is decremented. When the count reaches zero, the lock is released.

Reentrancy facilitates encapsulation of locking behavior, and thus simplifies the development of object oriented concurrent code. Without reentrant locks, the very natural looking code given below, in which a subclass overrides a synchronized method and then calls the superclass method, would deadlock. Because the doSomething methods in Widget and LoggingWidget are both synchronized, each tries to acquire the lock on the Widget before proceeding. But if intrinsic locks were not reentrant, the call to super.doSomething would never be able to acquire the lock because it would be considered already held, and the thread would permanently stall waiting for a lock it can never acquire. Reentrancy saves us from deadlock in situations like this.

public class Widget {    public synchronized void doSomething() {        // Do something ...  
public class LoggingWidget extends Widget { public synchronized void doSomething() System.out.println(toString() + ": calling doSomething");

If a resource is created, used and disposed within the control of the same thread, and never escapes the control of this thread, the use of that resource is thread safe.

Sharing Objects

Synchronized blocks and methods can ensure that operations execute atomically. In addition to that it has another significant, and subtle, aspect: memory visibility.

Example :

public class NoVisibility {
private static boolean ready;
private static int number;
private static class ReaderThread extends Thread {
public void run() {
while (!ready)
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ReaderThread().start();
number = 42;
ready = true;

NoVisibility, as in example above, illustrates what can go wrong when threads share data without synchronization. Two threads, the main thread and the reader thread, access the shared variables ready and number. The main thread starts the reader thread and then sets number to 42 and ready to true. The reader thread spins until it sees ready is true, and then prints out number. While it may seem obvious that NoVisibility will print 42, it is in fact possible that it will print zero, or never terminate at all! Because it does not use adequate synchronization, there is no guarantee that the values of ready and number written by the main thread will be visible to the reader thread.

NoVisibility could loop forever because the value of ready might never become visible to the reader thread. Even more strangely, NoVisibility could print zero because the write to ready might be made visible to the reader thread before the write to number, a phenomenon known as reordering.

There is no guarantee that operations in one thread will be performed in the order given by the program, as long as the reordering is not detectable from within that thread even if the reordering is apparent to other threads. When the main thread writes first to number and then to done without synchronization, the reader thread could see those writes happen in the opposite order or not at all. Fortunately, there's an easy way to avoid these complex issues: always use the proper synchronization whenever data is shared across threads.

Unless synchronization is used every time a variable is accessed, it is possible to see a stale value for that variable. Worse, staleness is not all or nothing: a thread can see an up to date value of one variable but a stale value of another variable that was written first.


// Not Thread Safe
public class MutableInteger {
private int value; public int get() { return value; } public void set(int value) { this.value = value; }
// Thread Safepublic class SynchronizedInteger { @GuardedBy("this") private int value; public synchronized int get() { return value; } public synchronized void set(int value) { this.value = value; }

Locking is not just about mutual exclusion; it is also about memory visibility. To ensure that all threads see the most up to date values of shared mutable variables, the reading and writing threads must synchronize on a common lock.

As we can see, the usage is @GuardedBy(lock) which means the guarded fields or methods can be accessed by some thread only when the thread is holding the lock. We can specify the lock to the following types:

  • this : The intrinsic lock of the object in whose class the field is defined.
  • class-name.this : For inner classes, it may be necessary to disambiguate ‘this’; the class-name.this designation allows you to specify which ‘this’ reference is intended
  • itself : For reference fields only; the object to which the field refers.
  • field-name : The lock object is referenced by the (instance or static) field specified by field-name.
  • class-name.field-name : The lock object is reference by the static field specified by class-name.field-name.
  • method-name() : The lock object is returned by calling the named nil-ary method.
  • class-name.class : The Class object for the specified class should be used as the lock object.


When a field is declared volatile, the compiler and runtime are put on notice that this variable is shared and that operations on it should not be reordered with other memory operations. Volatile variables are not cached in registers or in caches where they are hidden from other processors, so a read of a volatile variable always returns the most recent write by any thread.

Example below illustrates a typical use of volatile variables: checking a status flag to determine when to exit a loop.

volatile boolean asleep;
while (!asleep)

Volatile variables are convenient, but they have limitations. The most common use for volatile variables is as a completion, interruption, or status flag, such as the asleep flag in example above. Volatile variables can be used for other kinds of state information, but more care is required when attempting this. For example, the semantics of volatile are not strong enough to make the increment operation (count++) atomic, unless you can guarantee that the variable is written only from a single thread.

Locking can guarantee both visibility and atomicity; volatile variables can only guarantee visibility.

You can use volatile variables only when all the following criteria are met:

a) Writes to the variable do not depend on its current value, or you can ensure that only a single thread ever updates the value;

b) The variable does not participate in invariants with other state variables; and
c) Locking is not required for any other reason while the variable is being accessed.


public class BankAccount {    private Object credential = new Object();    @GuardedBy("credential") private int amount;}

In the code snippet above, amount can be accessed when someone has got the synchronization lock of credential, so amount in a BankAccount is guarded by the credential. Let’s add something to this class.

public class BankAccount {    private Object credential = new Object();    @GuardedBy("credential") private int amount;    @GuardedBy("listOfTransactions") 
private List<Transaction> listOfTransactions;

We now have a list of Transactions in the BankAccount. The List object has many elements so that it has references to all the elements in the list. Here we use@GuardedBy(“listOfTransactions”) to specify that the lock is associated with the objects which listOfTransactions refers to. In other words, someone must hold locks of all the Transactions in order to hold the lock of this List object.


The ThreadLocal class in Java enables you to create variables that can only be read and written by the same thread. Thus, even if two threads are executing the same code, and the code has a reference to a ThreadLocal variable, then the two threads cannot see each other's ThreadLocal variables.

private ThreadLocal myThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal();

As you can see, you instantiate a new ThreadLocal object. This only needs to be done once per thread. Even if different threads execute the same code which accesses a ThreadLocal, each thread will see only its own ThreadLocal instance. Even if two different threads set different values on the same ThreadLocal object, they cannot see each other's values.

You can create a generic ThreadLocal so that you do not have to typecast the value returned by get(). Here is a generic ThreadLocal example:

private ThreadLocal<String> myThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<String>();

Now you can only store strings in the ThreadLocal instance. Additionally, you do not need to typecast the value obtained from the ThreadLocal:

myThreadLocal.set("Hello ThreadLocal");String threadLocalValue = myThreadLocal.get();

Since values set on a ThreadLocal object only are visible to the thread who set the value, no thread can set an initial value on a ThreadLocal using set() which is visible to all threads.

Instead you can specify an initial value for a ThreadLocal object by subclassing ThreadLocal and overriding the initialValue() method. Here is how that looks:

private ThreadLocal myThreadLocal = new ThreadLocal<String>() {
@Override protected String initialValue() {
return "This is the initial value";

Now all threads will see the same initial value when calling get() before having called set() .

Here is a fully runnable Java ThreadLocal example:

public class ThreadLocalExample {
public static class MyRunnable implements Runnable { private ThreadLocal<Integer> threadLocal =
new ThreadLocal<Integer>();
public void run() {
threadLocal.set( (int) (Math.random() * 100D) );

try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {

public static void main(String[] args) {
MyRunnable sharedRunnableInstance = new MyRunnable();
Thread thread1 = new Thread(sharedRunnableInstance);
Thread thread2 = new Thread(sharedRunnableInstance);
thread1.join(); //wait for thread 1 to terminate
thread2.join(); //wait for thread 2 to terminate

This example creates a single MyRunnable instance which is passed to two different threads. Both threads execute the run() method, and thus sets different values on the ThreadLocal instance. If the access to the set() call had been synchronized, and it had not been a ThreadLocal object, the second thread would have overridden the value set by the first thread.

However, since it is a ThreadLocal object then the two threads cannot see each other's values. Thus, they set and get different values.

The InheritableThreadLocal class is a subclass of ThreadLocal. Instead of each thread having its own value inside a ThreadLocal, the InheritableThreadLocal grants access to values to a thread and all child threads created by that thread.

Safe Publication

Sometimes we do want to share objects across threads, and in this case we must do so safely.

// Unsafe publication
public Holder holder;
public void initialize() {
holder = new Holder(42);

You may be surprised at how badly this harmless looking example could fail. Because of visibility problems, the Holder could appear to another thread to be in an inconsistent state, even though its invariants were properly established by its constructor! This improper publication could allow another thread to observe a partially constructed object.

Two things can go wrong with improperly published objects. Other threads could see a stale value for the holder field, and thus see a null reference or other older value even though a value has been placed in holder. But far worse, other threads could see an up to date value for the holder reference, but stale values for the state of the Holder. To make things even less predictable, a thread may see a stale value the first time it reads a field and then a more up to date value the next time.

While it may seem that field values set in a constructor are the first values written to those fields and therefore that there are no “older” values to see as stale values, the Object constructor first writes the default values to all fields before subclass constructors run. It is therefore possible to see the default value for a field as a stale value.

At the risk of repeating ourselves, some very strange things can happen when data is shared across threads without sufficient synchronization.

To publish an object safely, both the reference to the object and the object’s state must be made visible to other threads at the same time. A properly constructed object can be safely published by:
a) Initializing an object reference from a static initializer;

b) Storing a reference to it into a volatile field or AtomicReference;

c) Storing a reference to it into a final field of a properly constructed object;

d) Storing a reference to it into a field that is properly guarded by a lock.

Using a static initializer is often the easiest and safest way to publish objects that can be statically constructed:

public static Holder holder = new Holder(42);

Static initializers are executed by the JVM at class initialization time; because of internal synchronization in the JVM, this mechanism is guaranteed to safely publish any objects initialized in this way.

The thread safe library collections offer the following safe publication guarantees, even if the javadoc is less than clear on the subject:

a) Placing a key or value in a Hashtable, synchronizedMap, or Concurrent-Map safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves it from the Map (whether directly or via an iterator);

b) Placing an element in a Vector, CopyOnWriteArrayList, CopyOnWrite-ArraySet, synchronizedList, or synchronizedSet safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves it from the collection;

c) Placing an element on a BlockingQueue or a ConcurrentLinkedQueue safely publishes it to any thread that retrieves it from the queue.

The publication requirements for an object depend on its mutability:
a) Immutable objects can be published through any mechanism;
b) Effectively immutable objects must be safely published;
c) Mutable objects must be safely published, and must be either thread safe or guarded by a lock.

The most useful policies for using and sharing objects in a concurrent program are:

Thread confined. A thread confined object is owned exclusively by and confined to one thread, and can be modified by its owning thread.

Shared read only. A shared read only object can be accessed concurrently by multiple threads without additional synchronization, but cannot be modified by any thread. Shared read only objects include immutable and effectively immutable objects.

Shared thread safe. A thread safe object performs synchronization internally, so multiple threads can freely access it through its public interface without further synchronization.

Guarded. A guarded object can be accessed only with a specific lock held. Guarded objects include those that are encapsulated within other thread safe objects and published objects that are known to be guarded by a specific lock.

Composing objects

The design process for a thread safe class should include these three basic elements:

a) Identify the variables that form the object’s state;
b) Identify the invariants that constrain the state variables;
c) Establish a policy for managing concurrent access to the object’s state.

If the object has fields that are references to other objects, its state will encompass fields from the referenced objects as well.

Encapsulating data within an object confines access to the data to the object’s methods, making it easier to ensure that the data is always accessed with the appropriate lock held. Confinement makes it easier to build thread safe classes because a class that confines its state can be analyzed for thread safety without having to examine the whole program.

Java monitor pattern. An object following the Java monitor pattern encapsulates all its mutable state and guards it with the object’s own intrinsic lock.

public final class Counter {
@GuardedBy("this") private long value = 0; public synchronized long getValue() {
return value;
public synchronized long increment() {
if (value == Long.MAX_VALUE)
throw new IllegalStateException("counter overflow");
return ++value;

The Java monitor pattern is merely a convention; any lock object could be used to guard an object’s state so long as it is used consistently.

public class PrivateLock {
private final Object myLock = new Object();
@GuardedBy("myLock") Widget widget;
void someMethod() {
synchronized(myLock) {

Making the lock object private encapsulates the lock so that client code cannot acquire it, whereas a publicly accessible lock allows client code to participate in its synchronization policy correctly or incorrectly.

Thread Signalling

The purpose of thread signaling is to enable threads to send signals to each other. Additionally, thread signaling enables threads to wait for signals from other threads. For instance, a thread B might wait for a signal from thread A indicating that data is ready to be processed.

Signaling via Shared Objects

A simple way for threads to send signals to each other is by setting the signal values in some shared object variable. Thread A may set the boolean member variable hasDataToProcess to true from inside a synchronized block, and thread B may read the hasDataToProcess member variable, also inside a synchronized block. Here is a simple example of an object that can hold such a signal, and provide methods to set and check it:

public class MySignal{  protected boolean hasDataToProcess = false;  public synchronized boolean hasDataToProcess(){
return this.hasDataToProcess;
public synchronized void setHasDataToProcess(boolean hasData){
this.hasDataToProcess = hasData;

Thread A and B must have a reference to a shared MySignal instance for the signaling to work. If thread A and B has references to different MySignal instance, they will not detect each others signals. The data to be processed can be located in a shared buffer separate from the MySignal instance.

Busy Wait

Thread B which is to process the data is waiting for data to become available for processing. In other words, it is waiting for a signal from thread A which causes hasDataToProcess() to return true. Here is the loop that thread B is running in, while waiting for this signal:

protected MySignal sharedSignal = ......while(!sharedSignal.hasDataToProcess()){
//do nothing... busy waiting

Notice how the while loop keeps executing until hasDataToProcess() returns true. This is called busy waiting. The thread is busy while waiting.

wait(), notify() and notifyAll()

Busy waiting is not a very efficient utilization of the CPU in the computer running the waiting thread, except if the average waiting time is very small. Else, it would be smarter if the waiting thread could somehow sleep or become inactive until it receives the signal it is waiting for.

Java has a builtin wait mechanism that enable threads to become inactive while waiting for signals. The class java.lang.Object defines three methods, wait(), notify(), and notifyAll(), to facilitate this.

A thread that calls wait() on any object becomes inactive until another thread calls notify() on that object. In order to call either wait() or notify the calling thread must first obtain the lock on that object. In other words, the calling thread must call wait() or notify() from inside a synchronized block. Here is a modified version of MySignal called MyWaitNotify that uses wait() and notify().

public class MonitorObject{
public class MyWaitNotify{ MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject(); public void doWait(){
} catch(InterruptedException e){...}
public void doNotify(){

The waiting thread would call doWait(), and the notifying thread would call doNotify(). When a thread calls notify() on an object, one of the threads waiting on that object are awakened and allowed to execute. There is also a notifyAll() method that will wake all threads waiting on a given object.

As you can see both the waiting and notifying thread calls wait() and notify() from within a synchronized block. This is mandatory! A thread cannot call wait(), notify() or notifyAll() without holding the lock on the object the method is called on. If it does, an IllegalMonitorStateException is thrown.

But, how is this possible? Wouldn’t the waiting thread keep the lock on the monitor object (myMonitorObject) as long as it is executing inside a synchronized block? Will the waiting thread not block the notifying thread from ever entering the synchronized block in doNotify()? The answer is no. Once a thread calls wait() it releases the lock it holds on the monitor object. This allows other threads to call wait() or notify() too, since these methods must be called from inside a synchronized block.

Once a thread is awakened it cannot exit the wait() call until the thread calling notify() has left its synchronized block. In other words: The awakened thread must reobtain the lock on the monitor object before it can exit the wait() call, because the wait call is nested inside a synchronized block. If multiple threads are awakened using notifyAll() only one awakened thread at a time can exit the wait() method, since each thread must obtain the lock on the monitor object in turn before exiting wait().

Missed Signals

The methods notify() and notifyAll() do not save the method calls to them in case no threads are waiting when they are called. The notify signal is then just lost. Therefore, if a thread calls notify() before the thread to signal has called wait(), the signal will be missed by the waiting thread. This may or may not be a problem, but in some cases this may result in the waiting thread waiting forever, never waking up, because the signal to wake up was missed.

To avoid losing signals they should be stored inside the signal class. In the MyWaitNotify example the notify signal should be stored in a member variable inside the MyWaitNotify instance. Here is a modified version of MyWaitNotify that does this:

public class MyWaitNotify2{  MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject();
boolean wasSignalled = false;
public void doWait(){
} catch(InterruptedException e){...}
//clear signal and continue running.
wasSignalled = false;
public void doNotify(){
wasSignalled = true;

Notice how the doNotify() method now sets the wasSignalled variable to true before calling notify(). Also, notice how the doWait() method now checks the wasSignalled variable before calling wait(). In fact it only calls wait() if no signal was received in between the previous doWait() call and this.

Spurious Wakeups

For inexplicable reasons it is possible for threads to wake up even if notify() and notifyAll() has not been called. This is known as spurious wakeups. Wakeups without any reason.

If a spurious wakeup occurs in the MyWaitNofity2 class’s doWait() method the waiting thread may continue processing without having received a proper signal to do so! This could cause serious problems in your application.

To guard against spurious wakeups the signal member variable is checked inside a while loop instead of inside an if-statement. Such a while loop is also called a spin lock. The thread awakened spins around until the condition in the spin lock (while loop) becomes false. Here is a modified version of MyWaitNotify2 that shows this:

public class MyWaitNotify3{  MonitorObject myMonitorObject = new MonitorObject();
boolean wasSignalled = false;
public void doWait(){
} catch(InterruptedException e){...}
//clear signal and continue running.
wasSignalled = false;
public void doNotify(){
wasSignalled = true;

Notice how the wait() call is now nested inside a while loop instead of an if-statement. If the waiting thread wakes up without having received a signal, the wasSignalled member will still be false, and the while loop will execute once more, causing the awakened thread to go back to waiting.

Multiple Threads Waiting for the Same Signals

The while loop is also a nice solution if you have multiple threads waiting, which are all awakened using notifyAll(), but only one of them should be allowed to continue. Only one thread at a time will be able to obtain the lock on the monitor object, meaning only one thread can exit the wait() call and clear the wasSignalled flag. Once this thread then exits the synchronized block in the doWait() method, the other threads can exit the wait() call and check the wasSignalled member variable inside the while loop. However, this flag was cleared by the first thread waking up, so the rest of the awakened threads go back to waiting, until the next signal arrives.

Thread Pools

Thread Pools are useful when you need to limit the number of threads running in your application at the same time. There is a performance overhead associated with starting a new thread, and each thread is also allocated some memory for its stack etc.

Instead of starting a new thread for every task to execute concurrently, the task can be passed to a thread pool. As soon as the pool has any idle threads the task is assigned to one of them and executed. Internally the tasks are inserted into a Blocking Queue which the threads in the pool are dequeuing from. When a new task is inserted into the queue one of the idle threads will dequeue it successfully and execute it. The rest of the idle threads in the pool will be blocked waiting to dequeue tasks.

Thread pools are often used in multi threaded servers. Each connection arriving at the server via the network is wrapped as a task and passed on to a thread pool. The threads in the thread pool will process the requests on the connections concurrently. A later trail will get into detail about implementing multithreaded servers in Java.

Java 5 comes with built in thread pools in the java.util.concurrent package, so you don't have to implement your own thread pool (java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService) . Still it can be useful to know a bit about the implementation of a thread pool anyways.

Here is a simple thread pool implementation. Please note that this implementation uses my ownBlockingQueue class as explained in my Blocking Queues tutorial. In a real life implementation you would probably use one of Java's built-in blocking queues instead.

public class ThreadPool {    private BlockingQueue taskQueue = null;
private List<PoolThread> threads = new ArrayList<PoolThread>();
private boolean isStopped = false;
public ThreadPool(int noOfThreads, int maxNoOfTasks){
taskQueue = new BlockingQueue(maxNoOfTasks);
for(int i=0; i<noOfThreads; i++){
threads.add(new PoolThread(taskQueue));
for(PoolThread thread : threads){
public synchronized void execute(Runnable task) throws Exception{
if(this.isStopped) throw
new IllegalStateException("ThreadPool is stopped");
public synchronized void stop(){
this.isStopped = true;
for(PoolThread thread : threads){
}public class PoolThread extends Thread { private BlockingQueue taskQueue = null;
private boolean isStopped = false;
public PoolThread(BlockingQueue queue){
taskQueue = queue;
public void run(){
Runnable runnable = (Runnable) taskQueue.dequeue();;
} catch(Exception e){
//log or otherwise report exception,
//but keep pool thread alive.
public synchronized void doStop(){
isStopped = true;
this.interrupt(); //break pool thread out of dequeue() call.
public synchronized boolean isStopped(){
return isStopped;

The thread pool implementation consists of two parts. A ThreadPool class which is the public interface to the thread pool, and a PoolThread class which implements the threads that execute the tasks.

To execute a task the method ThreadPool.execute(Runnable r) is called with a Runnableimplementation as parameter. The Runnable is enqueued in the blocking queue internally, waiting to be dequeued.

The Runnable will be dequeued by an idle PoolThread and executed. You can see this in method. After execution the PoolThread loops and tries to dequeue a task again, until stopped.

To stop the ThreadPool the method ThreadPool.stop() is called. The stop called is noted internally in the isStopped member. Then each thread in the pool is stopped by calling doStop() on each thread. Notice how the execute() method will throw an IllegalStateException if execute() is called afterstop() has been called.

The threads will stop after finishing any task they are currently executing. Notice the this.interrupt()call in PoolThread.doStop(). This makes sure that a thread blocked in a wait() call inside thetaskQueue.dequeue() call breaks out of the wait() call, and leaves the dequeue() method call with anInterruptedException thrown. This exception is caught in the method, reported, and then the isStopped variable is checked. Since isStopped is now true, the will exit and the thread dies.

Thank you if you have read all or part of it. Let me know if you think there are points that can be added in this note.

