Creating Snowflakes SDK wrapper for NodeJS API

Coding In depth
Coding In Depth
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2021


Snowflake provides the best warehouse cloud solution. Snowflake is a data warehouse built on top of the Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure. To connect Snowflake in NodeJS required snowflake-SDK.

The snowflake SDK lacks documentation. So in this article, we will discuss how to create a wrapper to execute snowflake SQL statements. The first step is to install the snowflake. Check below npm install.

npm i snowflake-sdk

After the snowflake is installed, create types for snowflakes.

npm i -D @types/node @types/snowflake-sdk

Now once the snowflake is installed, we are good to import it.

import * as snowflake from ‘snowflake-sdk’;

Once the import is done, the first step is to create a connection.

Creating SnowFlake Connection

The first step is to create a snowflake connection. To initialize the environment, create a initialize environment.

const initializeEnvironment = {account: ‘’,username: ‘SNOWFLAKE_DEV_BATCH_USER’,password: ‘password’,role:’DB_DEVELOPER_ROLE’,



Coding In depth
Coding In Depth

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