Upgrading Angular application from older version to 12 version

Coding In depth
Coding In Depth
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2021


Angular is one of the most famous web frameworks. Web frameworks evolve over the time. Also for better performance, stability, and security need, a version upgrade is required. Stability brings reusable components and tools. Stability makes medium and large applications thrive and shine.

For stability and security, Angular provides regular upgrades. Upgrades are major, minor, and small patches. An upgrade from the existing version to a newer version always requires time and change in the code.

Photo by Jermaine Ee on Unsplash

General Guidelines:

  • Major upgrades require time and money. Project managers have to spare some sprints in upgrading Angular applications apart from regular development and functional user stories.
  • New releases especially major releases have breaking changes. Meaning there is a change in the code. For example, In medium and large applications code changes are more complex and require updating related modules. If you are using PrimeNG, Angular Material design, or any other third-party component. Check the breaking changes or upgrade third-party libraries.
  • Make sure to upgrade to the latest node version or node version 10 plus. If you have multiple applications running and some are using the old node version. Use the node version manager.



Coding In depth
Coding In Depth

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